My Top 10 favorites are:
1. Closet woohoo
2. Bush woohoo (swat on the butt is so funny)
3. Toddlers taking a bath, playing with dolls in the doll house, especially when they hug them and when they're running. I love the adorable look on the faces of inquisitive toddlers too when they're thinking about something.
4. When Sims are bored filling out reports or researching on the computer. So funny how they flap their lips and peck randomly at the keyboard while rolling their eyes.
5. Almost all the vampire animations, especially when they run in hyper speed.
6. Couch tickling
7. Cheating at chess
8. Cooking fails. Especially when they throw something in the air and it never comes back down or falls and bonks them on the head. lol
9. Though it's really sad to see, I like how when Sims are sad, they cry in the shower. It's really well done how they press their hand against the shower wall and bow their heads to just sob their little Simmie hearts out. *cries*
10. Practice pick-up lines in the mirror. It's so hilariously ridiculous!