Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

Feedback on Forums, Please

Since I haven't found the appropriate category, I'm going to give my feedback on the forums, here. Since it appears we are having issues with necroposting, and I found myself unwittingly in a very old thread from 2017, I will ask again for the webmaster to please, please, please post the origin date on each thread on the opening page of the category. This will go a long way, I believe, in alerting players of just how old a thread is before they commit a breakage of the forum rules. Why do we have to wait until we're halfway or more in a thread only to learn, hello, this is a very old post. In fact, today if it wasn't for the last poster who suggested they were once again suckered into posting in an old thread, that I glanced up at the date! I left it to come here to complain. I'm not upset with the players who are unwittingly drawn in to an interesting topic, but the date should be on that first page that lists the topics for discussion. Please, and thank you, in advance.
