Forum Discussion

GalacticGal's avatar
Seasoned Ace
4 years ago

Feedback on Forums, Please

Since I haven't found the appropriate category, I'm going to give my feedback on the forums, here. Since it appears we are having issues with necroposting, and I found myself unwittingly in a very old thread from 2017, I will ask again for the webmaster to please, please, please post the origin date on each thread on the opening page of the category. This will go a long way, I believe, in alerting players of just how old a thread is before they commit a breakage of the forum rules. Why do we have to wait until we're halfway or more in a thread only to learn, hello, this is a very old post. In fact, today if it wasn't for the last poster who suggested they were once again suckered into posting in an old thread, that I glanced up at the date! I left it to come here to complain. I'm not upset with the players who are unwittingly drawn in to an interesting topic, but the date should be on that first page that lists the topics for discussion. Please, and thank you, in advance.

  • I know the date is on the first page of a topic, but sometimes, when I click on a topic someone has just posted to, I'm taken to the last page to read their comment, not the first. Under categories (of how I view this site) I see on the right hand side a topic with a new post...and I click and see the last post which yes, is necro, but it's not clear right away it was. Since I'm taken to the last page where the comment was made if I set my view of this site to Categories and just view what is posted on the right side of any category (which would be the latest). I don't set it to Discussions, because I'm usually interested in all topics if something new has been posted and the best way to see that is by viewing Categories.
  • Thank you for weighing in. And, yes, some of their 'rules' do conflict as you illustrated. I don't think they were meant to conflict. But they need to clarify, that you should look first to see if the topic on which you'd like to post, already exits.
  • Amen to that @Chicklet453681. A little clarity would be very nice. Please, and thank you, in advance, EA. :)
  • Kathykins's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    @EA_Leeloo , thanks for explaining things. I know forum software can be limiting, and not have features we would want. Or even a choice in how things are done.

    For the date on the individual posts, would it be possible to make it more visible/larger? It could be something simple like font size for that part of the layout. I am/was more familiar with other types of forums so don't know if its that easy to do. Not sure people look at the date much anyway, though, before posting. They're more occupied with the topic and their own reply. Sorry, just tossing things out there :D
  • @EA_Leeloo

    I don't know if it's possible on this forum software, but another Sims forum, Mod The Sims, has it where down near the reply area it will show if the thread has not been replied to in a while.

    I went through and it starts showing up after 2 weeks of no replies.

    It says "Attention! This thread has not had a reply in 2 weeks." It's in a separate box above the quick reply area and has a triangular caution icon in it as well.

    Would that be something that could be added to this forum?
  • "Onverser;c-17787949" wrote:
    Not 100% related but one thing I really want to see on the forums is notifications when someone quotes my comment

    You don't get those? Do you get any notifications via your email? I try to read the snippet wherein it says "mentioned you" in blah, blah, blah post.
  • "BookBear;c-17788131" wrote:
    "GalacticGal;c-17788120" wrote:
    "Onverser;c-17787949" wrote:
    Not 100% related but one thing I really want to see on the forums is notifications when someone quotes my comment

    You don't get those? Do you get any notifications via your email? I try to read the snippet wherein it says "mentioned you" in blah, blah, blah post.

    Mentioned you is when someone @Name's you but I would also like to get a notif when I am quoted

    (Sorry I don't know what's wrong with this I can't get it to be normal)

    I would suggest you take this problem to one of the Moderators of the forums. I wish I knew a name for you.
  • "GalacticGal;c-17788120" wrote:
    "Onverser;c-17787949" wrote:
    Not 100% related but one thing I really want to see on the forums is notifications when someone quotes my comment

    You don't get those? Do you get any notifications via your email? I try to read the snippet wherein it says "mentioned you" in blah, blah, blah post.

    I only get notifications when someone specifically @'s my username, if they just quote like this there's no notifications
  • I think Vanilla™ forum has no feature to give user a notification whenever someone quoted their post, my other forum used XenForo™ software and it always gave me notification for quoted post.