"Cynna;c-17181206" wrote:
(Warning: this post is not going to be sweet or light. It is going to be brutally honest and offers constructive criticism. For those who are faint of heart, please, go no further.)
Dear, EA.
You created a game that shipped with hidden worlds. Your telemetry (?) shows that very few players use those worlds. To paraphrase one of your representatives: 'We created these beautiful, mystical places and no one uses them.'
Well, EA, if you don't understand the reasons why, I'll try to simplify it for you: no one uses those worlds because they serve no purpose. Beauty is not gameplay. Once players earn passage and are finally able to enter, there's nothing to do in those worlds except collect some plum and go home. There's precisely zero reward for the effort. Plus, the player has no means of impacting those worlds because things cannot be built there.
(::knock, knock:: Is this thing on?)
EA, you had a chance to create a beautiful, fascinating and useful hidden lot for Island Living. It could have been linked to mermaids and used for actual scuba diving. But you didn't.
Why not?
Basically, I would like to know what on earth is wrong with you?! It's as if you have no clue. Please, please, please stop this nonsense. It's embarrassing and you're better than this.
Some EA mouthpiece is going to step up and blame the lack of a hidden lot on the consumer, I just know it. However, it's not the customers' fault. It's yours! This is all on you.
/end rant
”We created these beautiful, mystical places and no one uses them.'Is that an official statement :o ? Hold on EA, hold on right there, because that right there is the entire problem! And not only concerning the hidden worlds, I can’t help noticing they go wrong in exactly that direction a lot. It’s why JA was such a turn off for me as well, even when it had the temple with its predictable multiple choice traps.