@Kita5399 Let me know how it works for you. I have frozen kitty's needs, her motives, and her emotional level at happy. I have applied these one at a time then tested for a full Sim week afterward. All three cheats are now in play. So far there have been no random disappearances. But for some reason I believe those are tied to the pet being scolded. Everything was fine with each cat I created until the felines were caught scratching the furniture or waking the owner then was scolded. How that ended up being the reason for all this happening is beyond my understanding. But as far as I can see, the environmental changes don't make a difference in how the pets behave. Pets don't seem to be aware of the changes at all. One of my saves has a German Shepherd and she began to disappear right after being lectured about barking. The only common thing between cats and dogs disappearing off the lots is they were all lectured about bad behaviors. And so far I have not found a way to cheat those away. There is a way to give a pet all the bad behaviors, but I have yet to find one that erases those from each pet. And if the pet owner tries to teach the pet not to do bad things, the pet takes offense and runs off. I guess I will just buy my Sims new furniture or put up with the yowling at 3 AM because at the moment we don't dare try to train any pet in the game.