"83bienchen;c-17455046" wrote:
The neighbourhood joggers actually got a hidden buff attached that makes them immune to temperature (same with npcs that eat at restaurants).
@3cheersforkilljoys: If you're into mods, you can use my destroyobjectcheat mod (Misc mods). Then you can delete the graves by shift clicking on them.
That's weird, then, because joggers are dropping like flies in my game. It's fully updated and everything. Maybe it's a bad interaction with one of my mods? Or maybe it's happening when they stop moving to go socialize (as NPC sims love doing...in fact, one of my dead joggers last night was a guy who stopped to talk to a bunch of sims by a leaf pile...).
Still, what's up with the jogging? I mean, even late at night, they're up and down the block, running like the police are after them. I know one of the things they did with TS4 was trying to promote a more active, healthy lifestyle, but...they went too far with the random NPC joggers.