Forum Discussion

natbongiovani's avatar
New Spectator
11 months ago

Gallery doesn't load my favorites

Sul Sul!
I would like the gallery to show all the items we favorite again. I have favorite buildings since 2014 and I would like to see them again, as I like to insert other players' buildings into my saves.
  • LiELF's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    Definitely! Whenever I try to filter to my favorites, it only shows me a couple of pages of the most recent. This doesn't do me any good. I use the favorites button to go back and browse lots that I need to download in my game and I've saved a great variety of residences and community lots of varying lot sizes. My tastes are very specific so it has taken me a lot of time browsing with filters to find lots that I would use.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    It's been like a needle in a haystack trying to find what I've got saved in the Gallery. Also, I've lost most of my followers in the Gallery since this problem. I now only seem to have one or two followers now that can see my builds & households. I like to share, so this problem has been very disappointing. :'(