Both are important. The World and Characters have to look the way you envision, and at least be stable and the environment is well and intact, for stimulation and enjoyment. The moment things start glitching, The Illusion is broken.
It's like a Play, or when you watch a movie, I don't want to see the harness, or the strings that make the character or the object float.
But the game play is just as important what is the game without game play?
Although you can make your own game. I don't really need someone to write the rules of the game. Just the puppet, breathe some life personality, into it and behold the game begins. after that your script writes itself.
But what does "Good" Graphics Look like?
Beauty is subjective, Art is Subjective. But the story and the imagination Endures.
However Some parts of the story, remain "On hold" because Game play features don't currently exist. so Time stays still, the story doesn't move forward.
It's Like right now my game keeps crashing, for once it's not because of Mods or CC, Maybe it's the graphics...
And I don't know what to do.