Forum Discussion

Simmerville's avatar
Seasoned Ace
6 years ago

Get Famous: Q about set props

I'm wondering about getting the pack. I won't play any of my sims building fame, but I understand fame can be turned off, or frozen, and I like the studio aspects and the set props.

Can those huge objects used to create a set (like the pirate ship and fake street facades) be placed anywhere, or are they limited to the Plumbob Pictures lot? Can those objects be recolored?

Any other benefits from this pack, when not going to play a superstar?

Added: Is it possible to build a couple levels of fame without going to DelSolValley? Like, I read that you don't need to be an actor to get some fame, I'd like some of my existing sims (musician, etc) to get recognized on the street. Will giving them a couple fame points make any difference at all?
  • You can use a lot of the set objects in your own builds, yes, though they are huuuuuge.

    Also you can def build fame without ever going to Del Sol. Painters get fame every time they sell a painting, writers every time they publish a book, programmers by making apps, and musicians through finishing songs as well as playing in front of people. It takes time with those methods, which IMO is better. But once you get a star, more of your sim's daily life is impacted and then opens up more ways to keep gaining fame.
  • I'd also add that even if fame isn't your main focus (which it isn't for me) the idea that your sims gain even small levels of fame through doing things like writing and painting helps round out the game. It makes way more sense that my sim who makes a living off art gets some attention for it and now gets contacted to do occasional videos which gets her more attention.
  • Frn0731's avatar
    New Adventurer
    I have a comedian and a pianist who are global superstars. Took some time to get there as they would gain a star and then lose it again.
    They did go to DelSol Valley to get awards and place a tile on the street of fame but it wasn't necessary for their career.
  • Thanks @Frn0731 and @ripentogether . I just purchased the pack, 50% off I'm sure I'll find good use of it, and I'm looking forward to see how my non-acting sims will build a few stars of fame. I'm a rotationally gamer, so there is a risk their fame will fade sooner than it's built. Time will tell...
  • Do any of the props have associated interactions, or are they just decor? For example, can your Sim sit on the castle throne if placed on a residential lot?
    How do the stage marks work? Can these too be used on a home lot?