Forum Discussion

LBonne24's avatar
2 years ago

Growing Together Livestream Reaction ❤️

That was soo much information. We went from like no information in that gameplay trailer to so much that my brain is having a hard time remembering it all. 🙃 I know the past few weeks have had their ups and downs. A lot of emotions in the community over choices being made. But we're allowed to have complex emotions, especially about something we're paying for.

And it looks like we're getting so much in this pack. Which is awesome. Both in the current definition, and the old definition which is closer to terrifying. Everything is so gonna break. But I am so excited. A tempered excitement by all the other feelings, but excitement nonetheless.

Infants look so adorable. Eliza as a new mom is something I didn't expect to see. Not only did they add Iggy back into the family, but they gave us a new way to have children. And it's instant. No pregnancy even. I have some mods that do similar things, but not quite what they did. It's very interesting to see what kinds of things you could do with both, or either.

So much base game content. I'm wondering if that giant llama is something like the bears your kids can talk to. Or if they can sit on it like a rocking horse that doesn't rock? Rocking Llama.

Being able to see the course of your sim's life, the big events is super cool. And I'm wondering how modders could integrate their things in with that. Same with the new skill icons. And how that would effect occult skills. Cool new icons for those too?

Is there an option for just an average or normal family dynamic? Neither close, nor difficult, just average.
I kind of feel like since this pack is so pervasive in its effects it will take a bit of a learning curve to get used to, more so than others. If you don't want to deal with cats or dogs you don't have to. But if you have a difficult relationship with your child, it will affect how you play. I think that learning how things work will take some time. And that's kind of exciting. Because it means it's actually made to Do something about the emptiness sims had before.

Though idk that I will use the system they made for compatability as it stands, very much. I don't particularly use likes and dislikes. They are really heavily weighted. And when sims dislike a thing, it's hard to get them to do it, even when necessary. I think I'll be cautious as it pertains to this.

But this was really very interesting. And just seeing the little things made me happy. A marriage certificate. We didn't even get that in the wedding pack, unless I missed it somehow. A certificate for losing your first tooth. And a new baby certificate. They didn't say birth certificate they said baby certificate from what I remember. I'm not sure if it was intentional or not. Or if we are getting a new variant. Maybe for if you had a home birth, idk. But it's cool.

I am wondering if the keepsake box only works for elders or if it's just usually them that does it. Because my sims usually start as YA and sometimes are immortal. And don't usually have parents. It'd be nice if they could start the box themselves.

We didn't get to see anything about the family tree, but they said that there was still a lot that wasn't gone into. So perhaps that's part of it. And maybe BG had things that weren't mentioned. And that's where family tree updates are.

All in all I'm still looking forward to this. And we only have a little over a week before we find out the first of it. Though I'll be waiting for the mod fixes.