Forum Discussion

Storylady70's avatar
4 years ago

Guidry is solid!!!

I love paranormal!!! I was just curious about one thing. I was playing the game and all of a sudden I realized that Guidry wasn't transparent. He was solid and still floating like a ghost. He was this way for a little while then spun around like he was changing clothes and he was a ghost again. But sure why this happened. Can anyone let me know??
  • I used a cheat to add him to my family. Took him to CAS to edit him and he was solid. Uploaded him to the gallery.
  • That’s odd! My first instinct is that this could have been caused by game lag. If it happens again, try pausing and see if he turns transparent again!

    If it’s something else, like the Ghastly Ritual I’d be interested to know!
  • I paused my game to take a picture for a friend and he stayed solid!! I thought it was because they Woo Hooed and that was normal but it didn't happen everytime. It's happened a couple of times at random times.
  • This is in my game during gameplay with no cheats. I can't figure out how to bring up the picture I took.