> @Link182x said:
> i have 2 BFF's but i don't know how i did it... and then i tried like crazy to get more, but was not able to do it, now i know is a bug i hope they'll fix it soon
> EDIT: btw popo500 how did you make that trick happened? i created a 1 household person and tried to make her best friend with my character and i couldn't there is a time? or i have to wait some days to that happen?
basically You have to somehow unfriend kill or delete the bff you already have, that was painful....but I got over it. You then create a new random household with one character and place it anywhere on the map, visit said household, make bff then delete......just keep repeating that. I eventually just started picking random people...the ones I didn't particularly like....and after bffing them I made them laugh to death, yes there are weaponized jokes.
You can also use the cheat
press ctrl+shift+c and type that in and the milestone will complete.