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- I love them. There are definitely somethings I would change or tweak, and I am still squaring them up against 4's vampires and their counterparts from 3 for my final conclusions. However, this is a strong pack with influences from the other two and some unique flare.
In fact, I just wrote a huge post in another thread all about it. If I can figure out the spoiler thing, I'll copy paste it over here, too.SpoilerIt is undoubtedly a great pack, and a great occult pack. Very easily topping Realm of Magic. Against Vampires, though, I am still weighing. I also need more time to determine how I feel about them versus their Sims 3 counterparts, even if they definitely look better aesthetically.
My knee jerk reaction tells me vampires are still more fun mechanically. They weren't able to recreate the fun balance of the vampire's weaknesses to make unique characters. Wolves have their temperaments instead, which basically act as weaknesses but are tied to the fury system as a punishment. They are supposed to be related to their normal personalities, but the RNG nature leaves a lot to be desired. Especially since 4's personality system isn't great, it doesn't seem to assign related temperaments well.
I do like the fury system, though. Quite a bit. It makes so much more sense than magic charge. They definitely combined influences from Vampires, RoM, and a little bit of unique inspiration. Also, just to address it, the temperaments at least do make wolves sort of unique so that easily distances them from spellcasters. Not to mention, they really doubled down on the aspirations to set them apart. Genuinely their own tab. I really enjoyed that sort of progression and want to see it implemented in more ways.
The BB and CAS are great. Moonwood Mill is a lot of fun. I know people want more lots, but I really love Forgotten Hollow because of how it felt and Moonwood Mill is that plus more world exploration and things to do. Then some of the little touches like howling toddlers and pets are amazing, not to mention the teething toddlers. I really wish vampires had more impact on children, and could access the shared occult CAS items.
The packs were also a cool mechanic, however I am probably the most tepid about it. Obviously we cannot design our own, although we can take them over or choose to be a lone wolf. There are options. I just haven't played enough to figure out if it is something I will still enjoy down the line.
Finally, the lore is a lot of fun. It is basically what Cottage Living tried to do but refined so it isn't beating you over the head. I've seen the prompts and the boxes. I love Greg's dialogue. It gives me a reason to explore, or I could just ignore it. The actual contents are certainly interesting. There are a few... Odder choices I somewhat reject, but that is probably just trying to carry RoM. - Very satisfied doesn't even begin to cover my feelings. Totally obsessed and loving it would be a better description. Everything about this pack has met or exceeded my expectations. In the way that it is so engrossing it has gone beyond my wildest expectations.
- Reddestiny9213 years agoLegendI love them and I don't want anything nerfed they have mostly left the other occults alone they are just as wild as I hoped. I tested cheating greg into the house and he's a very hungry boy but has stopped getting hostile with my sim so now I need like a few hundred or so across a few saves.
"RedDestiny92;c-18132866" wrote:
I love them and I don't want anything nerfed they have mostly left the other occults alone they are just as wild as I hoped. I tested cheating greg into the house and he's a very hungry boy but has stopped getting hostile with my sim so now I need like a few hundred or so across a few saves.
In my Tarosan Sun save I have them limited to Moonwood Mill. I had two sims out getting coffee together and they came across Khristopher Volkov and they reacted to him just like he was any other sims. No negative moodlets. I hope non-occultists will take note of this. The only thing that worries me is a non-occultist doing a rotation having a sim they're not controlling wander into Moonwood Mill autonomously and getting bitten or attacked. In that save I'm watching what happens to my NPCs and my rotational households to see if they go there and something bad happens. I hope not because I'm with you, I'm tired of the nerfing of our occults.- Very Satisfied as far as the gameplay goes! I played away most of my day yesterday and have several wolves now and it's striking how different the temperaments can make them. It's also challenging because in a household with two or more wolves you're not just managing rage(and repairs) but different temperaments.
- Karamazov1233 years agoSeasoned AceFrom what I played so far, it's pretty fun. I still prefer Vampires, but the world is fun, the lore is great, the BB/CAS is a fantastic breath of fresh air, and I appreciate how deep the gameplay is.
Easily a B or B+. But the grade might go up as I explore even more of the pack. - Loving it so far. Normally Build and Buy is my happy place but I have hardly spent any time building as Im so invested in playing with my werewolves! Ive had a few minor bugs but generally the gameplay seems to work well and there is so much of it! Also the CAS and BB is fantastic.
All together a brilliant addition...lets hope the same team works on fairies in the future!LOL - SEREFRAS3 years agoLegendStill trying to learn the new pack & how to get my sim the Werewolf abilities.
- EgonVM3 years agoSeasoned AceThis is a good pack for me. I'd just wish I could comfortably play it, but my graphics card broke while playing this pack and now I'm on the integrated graphics card, which makes the game a little slower and it brings glitches and crashes. I hope I can get a new one soon...
But I did manage to learn many things of this pack though. - 99% satisfied. The gameplay is good, I can use CC to deal with the tails and feet thing...but I'm really annoyed that female werewolves are locked into flat-chestedness when the devs have put such a huge effort into gender expression and gender identity options so far. As a woman, I am very upset about that design decision.
Other than that one gripe, though, it's probably the best pack (game pack, stuff pack, expansion pack, or kit) they've released so far. If they could just patch that chest issue, it would be pretty much perfect.
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