Out of curiosity, how old would you consider each age group in the Sims 4? For me: Babies: 0-1 Toddlers: 2-4 Children: 7-10 Teenagers: 16-18 (would say younger but they look exa...
here 13 is when you change to another school level and 18 is just like considered the age you are legally adult
as for the looks factor actually i kinda look the same as when i was 13 minus fashion cause i be looking oldass as kid and i was already rather tall and big so yeah i dont feel its all that weird if i make them dress bit more kiddy even tho ofc i would have liked teens to look different from ya in first place but well what is done is done
gets pretty vague from this point onwards cause people age differently but as person in my 20s i kinda feel like maybe people in their 40s have surely leveled up from this lifestage in way or another 30s feels still bit vague cause im not all that sure ill have leveled up by then :lol: