Forum Discussion

Daephene1's avatar
New Spectator
2 years ago

HSY Graduation and Aging

So when you're playing a teen who is attending active high school and they age up to YA, the graduation is supposed to happen the following Sunday, correct?

What happens to the other classmates? Do they age up or graduate as teens? I play rotationally so I am concerned what will happen to my sims from other played households. I prefer they age up when I am playing them only.
  • EgonVM's avatar
    Seasoned Ace
    From my experience, some unplayed teens will be aged up to young adult so there would be classmates in the graduation too. Played teens won't be aged up.
  • That sounds about like what I want. I am using a mod to dictate which sims go to school with mine, and I am choosing a mix of my played sims of the same age, premades I'd like to work into my rotations, and random townies who can be those kids from high school you loose track of after you go away to college. I would like some of the randoms to age but not my played sims.
    Does anyone who uses such mods know if I will need to alter the chosen classmates before graduation if I want to make sure some sims don't age up?