Forum Discussion

thefirsttemplar's avatar
Rising Traveler
4 years ago

I suggest they add a 'hard mode' game pack.

Ever feel like the game is too easy? Sims get successful way too soon? Start with too much money? Can't have much negative traits? Well, how about they add a game pack for those that want to be challenged?

Life can be rough, I am sure many players enjoy the easy way in contrast to life, but to me it feels so much more like an accomplishment if you'd be able to take a Sim from rock bottom and work their way up.

The main thing this expansion would add would be the option to start with nothing, not a single dime and be homeless. Your Sim has to earn everything the hard way.
It also (finally) removes the phone each sim seems to have implanted in their brain or something. They have to buy that. Existing Sims keep their phone but now you can toggle it on or off in creation if they start with it and now there's different phones too. What Sims currently have could be the second most expensive one, the new more expensive one could have some extra options.

It also adds several negative traits for your Sim to pick during character creation for increased challenge. Like they can be a fool as an opposite to the genius. Could be a cursed trait too, causing misfortune to happen more often to this Sim, but also making them far less likely to die. When they do the reaper takes pity and lets them live. Or if they want to go for darker humour the reaper could be laughing every time he comes for the cursed sim and just leave again.
Could also be a puny trait, similar to what sims medieval had. These sims would be terrible at any physically straining activities, can't win any fights, no sim is threatened when they try to intimidate someone and all that.

But to counter all the negative traits, there could be a new way added to change a Sim's traits but it would be hard.
The game pack could also add new mean and evil interactions for Sims, like an evil Sim can steal from the homeless or mock them, but of course kind and good sims may help the homeless on their own.

Could also be some new rewards added for challenges and skills from all kinds of expansions, but those linked to another expansion would be part of an update to accompany this pack so you'd get access to that either way but it would still be hard to obtain. Like a new spell for magic sims but they first need to master everything else and do various other things to obtain it.

  • "RavenSpit;c-17915979" wrote:
    I just wished traits would be better balanced, like for every positive there is a negative and the other way arround..
    like geeks would learn traits relating to tech faster than normal but maybe artistic stuff (painting, singing...) slower.
    in general sims just learn and level up traits too fast for me, I think that'd be the only thing I'd want to be harder or balanced better.

    and more negative traits (that dont just give an easily overwritten emotional debuff) I would just love!

    When we had five slots for basic Traits, it was far easier to create a more well-rounded character. None of us are without a 'bad' side, so to speak, or weaknesses, if you prefer. I would give three 'good' traits and two 'negative' traits. My World Renown Surgeon, was a Genius, (among other things) but was also childish and clumsy to help balance it out. Now, we get a paltry three slots. Yes, we can add Traits for purchase, but I only see good traits available through that.
  • 3 traits never was enough, not only that but they still have less traits in the game than sims 3 had at launch and they do less.

    I mean, if the traits actually did a lot more I could live with it. In that case 3 traits would be fine.

    Like if it would even be to the level that it allows them to create things no other Sim can, and that there'd be more interaction with having specific combinations of traits.

    Like a hotheaded neat sim getting angry when they see someone not cleaning up their mess, and Genius Sims being able to make inventions other sims can't. And most traits could allow for some invention that could only be thought of by someone with that trait.
    Like an evil sim being able to make something for clearly evil purposes, a lazy sim being able to make some ultimate lazy chair that holds snacks and drinks, a neat sim being able to make something to help with cleaning, etc.

    Speaking of lazy, Lazy sims should seriously be able to be lazy in ways other sims can't and should really get their own animations for sitting and laying down. Let them actually hang back on a couch, or lay on it while watching tv. When sitting should also be able to ask other Sims to get them food, a drink or other stuff. Make being lazy a whole way of life, and also make them more upset about being prodded into action.
    And it could also frustrate other sims.

    I'm not sure if all traits need an equal downside, but I do like the idea of every trait having at least one negative thing to it, and each mostly negative thing still having a positive.
    Like how the unlucky trait in Sims 3 makes sims incapable of dying from anything than old age because the grim reaper just laughs and brings them back to life if they die another way. Heck they did more with the unlucky trait than with the lucky trait, sadly enough.

    A true lucky trait could be a lot of fun, maybe a bit of an easy mode with that luck but it could make sims a bit too sure of themselves perhaps.
    And perhaps interacting with unlucky sims could be bad for them, or perhaps sims with another specific trait could cause them to be very unlucky in their presence.
    Or perhaps they could be a target for some kind of magic ingredient, tears of luck or something so an alchemist might get an interaction to make them cry to get the tears. What interaction could depend on traits.
    But typically they could give the Sim a kind of Gladstone Gander type of luck, finding luck in some crazy situations and it could mainly relate to their whims. They want ice cream, and suddenly an ice cream truck drives by. They could add a bit of humour to that luck.

    Some of the friendly traits and such should certainly have some down side. Like not being assertive enough, and people being mean to them making them unhappier than other sims.

    Maybe Nerd and Bro sims could have a rough time being friends too, not as bad as good and evil sims where it's not really possible, but they'd struggle to find common ground. Both could be averse to each other's interests mostly, but other traits can limit this a bit.
    Like an athletic nerd might enjoy watching sports or playing sports games, and a genius bro might have some more intellectual interests.