Forum Discussion

CopperBolt's avatar
3 years ago

I think the Lore update is coming soon.

The team announced they were updating the lore of each and every Sim (including from the DLCs!) back in August, and for some reason I thought that meant the update would be coming soon after. November rolled around and we got a sneak peak into the concept art for Bella, Mortimer, and the Caliente Twins, and I thought, surely they'll release this update in a couple of months!

Well, six months later and we haven't heard anything, except for getting a sneak peak of the pronouns update, and it finally clicked that the lore probably hasn't been updated yet because TS4 has lots of trans/nonbinary townies & NPCs! It would be silly for them to update the lore in the Magic Realm without including Morgyn's pronouns.

So my theory is that we will get the lore update when we get the pronoun update, and because June is pride month we'll be getting the update in June.
  • But did they say they were going update sims backstories? I thought it was just chamging the features and colors of townies?
  • "logion;c-18112889" wrote:
    They could release it during pride month, but I hope that they release the feature when it's done, I don't want half finished updates or fast solutions that increase their technical debt because they are trying to keep a deadline.

    Neighborhood stories had too many fast and random events happening for my liking.

    This is my hope/concern as well. It makes good marketing strategy but I don't want a rushed/botched release. I'm also really hoping for actual relevant changes/fixes that reflect the bio to the actual household and not just superficial (relationship statuses, fixed family trees, etc.). Also, I REALLY don't want them to delete Katrina. I know not everyone likes her but since we can't have OG mom of Nina & Dina (since her name is banned cause dumb censor); I hope they still keep her in the new update while still giving the Caliente girls their old looks back.

    @Simmingal It would very likely only apply to new saves at worst, and old versions would be available on the Gallery or something.
  • "EmmaVane;c-18112857" wrote:
    They haven't specified outside of looks, but I'm hoping...
    Things like making sure they have the appropriate degrees/skills for their careers, appropriate career levels for their age (unless they have lore about a mid-life career change), likes/dislikes and lifestyles.
    Family connections (reconnecting Johnny Zest to the Landgraab family tree), appropriate interpersonal history via relationships between sims (such as Bob and Eliza being in an unhappy marriage/the BFF household love triangle fixed to match the description) and Sentiments for new games etc.
    Collectibles, crafted items or unlocks in their homes/wardrobes if it's appropriate for them to have them.

    Ahhhh, now THAT does sound good. I guess when I saw the vision art (or whatever it was) for Bella, and then I could have swore they put a new version of the Goths and the Pancakes in the gallery; and I figured that was that and it was just a visual thing..

    "Simmingal;c-18112921" wrote:
    I remain very spooked cause I already have updated my premades to be what i want them to be and they better not mess with it

    I assume if they do anything more than give them a visual makeover and add that to the gallery, that it would likely only effect new saves. Which in some cases for me would be good (fellow Bob lover), but in others cases would be frustrating.. hmmm

  • "BlueR0se;c-18113024" wrote:
    Also, I REALLY don't want them to delete Katrina. I know not everyone likes her but since we can't have OG mom of Nina & Dina (since her name is banned cause dumb censor)

    I had to google (lore is not something I care much about in sims tbh, when I play it’s my world and my simmers who inhabit it and premades usually gets deleted)

    And it took me a second to connect to why it’s banned. I mean no offence!! My brain just automatically see everyone as equal and I’m not easily offended (except for if someone misunderstand me and gets offended by what I say then I get offended they don’t understand that I’m not out to offend anyone, vicious circle)

    Anyways, a pronoun update yes please, lore update I don’t care for. But happy for those who want it!! ❤️
  • neylajc's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    How does the npc overhaul work if you’ve deleted most of the npcs? If they’re finally getting lore I want them back :'(
  • "EmmaVane;c-18113853" wrote:
    "mika;c-18113773" wrote:
    How does the npc overhaul work if you’ve deleted most of the npcs? If they’re finally getting lore I want them back :'(

    It will only effect new games, otherwise it would ruin people's save games.

    Also, they will likely be in the gallery if you want to add the to a save you already have.

  • "Chaotic_Moira;c-18113703" wrote:
    "QueenSaraphine;c-18113427" wrote:
    "BlueR0se;c-18113024" wrote:
    Also, I REALLY don't want them to delete Katrina. I know not everyone likes her but since we can't have OG mom of Nina & Dina (since her name is banned cause dumb censor)

    ... it took me a second to connect to why it’s banned....

    When I made the switch from playing 3 to 4, and came across Katrina, I was BAFFLED! My immediate thought was, "omg they white washed Ni-ghat.." :o I am one of the people who hates Katrina. The insane thing to me is that they banned a name which is not offensive to anyone that I have ever heard from, and not offensive in it's origin, based on the idea that it could, maybe, might be heard as slang for an offensive word. Okaaay, fine, but, in an insane twist of irony here, they took a common and accepted name from another culture, banned it, and then just for good measure, remade her white.. :/ Good job not being offensive guys, really, swell... :D You have to laugh at how epically bad that was handled. Don't get me wrong, I love the devs, but this was a fail.

    The Calientes were the first premades I fixed. They really white washed all 3 of them.

    It's not cause it's offensive, it's cause it's the nature of the censoring system that the game uses in regards to public sharing content (and also the game itself but I think specifically cause of the sharing aspect). The first three letters of the name can be used elsewhere to be offensive slurs and so the system automatically flags anything with those three letters together.

    This affects other names/words as well. When ni-ghat was created for sims 2 they didn't consider future sequels having the censor system and didnt plan that in advance. It's unfortunate and maybe it's possible the devs could manually make an exception for that name if requested, but I'm not sure.
  • It looks like it is just looks. I do like the new look of the goths personally. But I wish it involved more lore.

  • See I was always under the impression it was just an aesthetic update. I don't know if I missed something that talked about lore, or what.
    I wish it included lore though. That would've been awesome.