I'm so glad I didn't buy it on release. The Sims 4 Get To Build Challenge is not worth $20USD. Now I love new careers but there's zero substance to this. I mean really no new skill or the incorporation of existing skills to advance the career. No new objects aside from the modular furniture that offers no real benefit to the sim. No new perks that come from being in the career. There isn't even a handholding aspiration with the promise of a useless trait at the end. And we have all these likes/dislikes that barely matter to the end result. It's another case of they make the sims "feel" different without actually being different. At least Strangerville added the military career that works without participating in the Strangerville story. This just gives sims the appearance of having a career. This is dollhouse content from a multimillion dollar franchise. What an utter waste of time.