Forum Discussion

LBonne24's avatar
Seasoned Novice
2 years ago

Imaginary friends in the fairy pack

I saw a title for a post, hadn't even gotten to check it out yet, and it made me think about imaginary friends again. I didn't play much with them in sims 3, for various reasons. But the idea intrigued me, even as the idea if a doll coming to life terrified me. So I thought about what would make it palatable for me if they came back. First of all, they can't be dolls, but what else? I decided to make a new thread of what I had figured out:
What would you think if they brought back imaginary friends and they were less like dolls and more like fairies? Think less creepy and more a different occult state. Magical. Maybe not a career bc that might be weird, even if Monsters Inc had thr monster in your closet/under the bed as a job.

But like imaginary friends as like a type of being that your child/toddler sim could interact with and form a bond with from a young age. Kind of like those motes for Spellcasters that you have to have special sight to see. But sentient. And the more they interact one gets Summoned. Only it has a family of it's own. And it's like a special friendship. Not a doll come to life. But a magical being of the same age state (though immortal) as the child.

And when the child is old enough they can introduce the friend to the family. But maybe if the kid has like their family try to force reality on them they might stop seeing their friend, start thinking they are imaginary, and/or forget about them upon aging up to teen. So they may never get the chance to introduce them to the family. And that introduction is what let's the two interact around other people, even fall in love when they're older if you wanted.

And maybe occult parents have a better chance of finding evidence of the friend without introduction. With fairy and fae adjacent occults like mermaids and plant-sims seeing them immediately and never needing introduction.
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