Hi Guys,
It's really hard to keep up with bugs if they are posted in threads like these (although they are convenient for posting).
The easiest for everyone involved trying to fix this is if you report this either at the bug/issues forum here or even better, report over at AHQ: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4-Bug-Reports/bd-p/The-Sims-4-Bugs (you log in with your Origin account there, you can add pictures and everything and there's no restrictions for new members to make your own post)
Use the template here: http://answers.ea.com/t5/The-Sims-4-Bug-Reports/INFORMATION-How-does-this-forum-work/m-p/4743121#M20400
Also, please remove ALL your mods and ALL your cc and see if your issue happens on a vanilla game. Many things are broken.
This makes it much easier to keep track and with the me too feature, it also shows the devs how often something happens and they can ask questions for specific issues without them getting lost in the the bulk of posts.
I really think the devs want to fix what's wrong where possible. Giving them a well-formed bug report helps a lot with that.
ATM, there's a lot of mod issues floating around and it's really hard to distinguish what's a legit bug and what's caused my mods.
I love doing detective works and find out if I can duplicate stuff, trying out your saves or try my own game. I can help you best if you post at AHQ but there's other helpful people at the bug forum here that can also help you.
Thanks for reading.