8 years ago
Laundry Room Placement
Before I place this in the Tech issues room, is anyone able to create a laundry room in the basement? I was able to create one, but then it tells me there are no available washers on the lot if I try ...
"EnkiSchmidt;c-16268381" wrote:"BabySquare;c-16268324" wrote:"EnkiSchmidt;c-16268305" wrote:"BabySquare;c-16268280" wrote:
Seeing the dilemma you're facing I thought I'd just pop in to blow everyone's minds;
In the UK we normally have our washers and dryers in the kitchen.
In my childhood we had the washing machine in the kitchen, too (it was a large live-in kitchen). The basement was where the uge cauldrons for cooking the laundry stood and you had to reserve the key to that basement "washhouse" in advance. Nowadays one's supposed to have the washer in the bathroom. Still SO not used to that concept, lol.
Do you mind me asking which country you were in when you had the washing machine in the kitchen? I'm now super-interested in how homes in different countries organise their laundry-doing.
Oops, sorry. That was in East Germany (but probably an all-german thing). I also remember my parents tell of dedicated washhouses in the interior yard for use for the residents of the surrounding houses, but only ever saw re-purposed shells/foundations of those. Our basement washhouse was for our house only and it was accesable through the basement where the individual families' cellars were and through the interior yard alike. I'm trying to remember how long it was in use before we got a "Waschvollautomat" (full-washing-machine) in the kitchen that was capable of cooking laundry... the early eighties, I think? We were one of the last families in the house to buy a modern washing machine, since my gran was very suspicious when it came to technology.