Forum Discussion

simgirl1010's avatar
4 years ago

Livestream & Early Access Videos: Who's Watching?

I think this is first time we're being given access to a Livestream and GameChanger videos so far in advance of a pack release. I'm torn. Part of me wants to know all and a part of me wants to discover it on my own.

For those of you who plan on purchasing Cottage Living are you going to avoid all of the pre-release hype still to come?

43 Replies

  • bshag4lv's avatar
    Seasoned Adventurer
    4 years ago
    Usually I don't watch anything before a pack releases...I'd rather be surprised. But I did watch this livestream, and it was a good one, right up until the fox ate the pet bunny. :D That is what cinched the deal for buying the pack for :D
  • I probably should’ve put other but I will be watching a fair bit- I watched the livestream, I watch all of Plumbella anyway so will watch her, and then I will dip in and out of bits from EnglishSimmer, Deli & James. Maybe some others depending on what comes up recommended and if I like it, but as others have said some of the game changers can seem a little biased. But that being said this pack does seem sooo good so I can’t blame them for all being super enthusiastic!

    Also really looking forward to hopefully seeing something from Steph0sims sometime, not sure if she will get early access though as she doesn’t seem to anymore.
  • Monet11's avatar
    New Spectator
    4 years ago
    I've watched a bit of the livestream. I normally don't watch game changers, but I have watched some sections of their videos, or just watched the short ones. I won't watch everything, but I will watch parts of some videos. I have to say, I really enjoyed Dr. Gluon's 100 Chicken Challenge more than anything else I have watched. That was really fun. And I don't feel like it spoiled any surprises the pack might have.