Forum Discussion

Brd709's avatar
Seasoned Hotshot
2 years ago

Longest Residency

If you keep up to date with these things, how many sim years have your sims lived in their current house?

My sim self has lived in his house in Newcrest which he built seventeen sim years ago with his first wife Liberty Lee. His alien granddaughter Daisy comes close to that at just fourteen sim years. She inherited the house from her father Andrew when he died.

I'm currently playing through the decades. I'm not doing the decade challenge but i thought it would be fun to play through.

I started out this save at the year 1979 and it's now currently 1996 in my save.

My sim self moved to Newcrest in 1980, Daisy was born in 1982.
  • The first legacy challenge I tried was the Pinstar one. I lasted 5 generations, and per the rules my sims remained in the same lot the whole time
  • The longest I can track is sixteen years - my rotational save progressed through thirteen years (2038-2051), and one of my sims' backstory includes that he purchased his current home at least three years ago (maybe longer).

    Not much was changed inside the house, the garage is now a home office, but that's about it. But the landscaping was improved drastically and I added a pool deck.
  • "mightysprite;c-18266338" wrote:
    The first legacy challenge I tried was the Pinstar one. I lasted 5 generations, and per the rules my sims remained in the same lot the whole time

    I also played the Pinstar Legacy Challenge. After a false start, I waited a year and began again with the very same Founder. I did manage to reach generation ten. Yay.
  • My sims rarely stay in one place for the entirety of their lives. Mine usually live in different houses at different times in their lives, starting with starter houses and moving as their family expands. I usually have a specific "dream house" for them to aspire to, and it takes them a while to get there.

    Also, I just get bored of the same scenery after a while.

    In my alien legacy, my founder started in StrangerVille, and moved around throughout his life. I always had the goal that he would move back to StrangerVille because it felt like home to him. That's the closest to my sims staying in one place I've ever really been.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Hotshot
    My Doctor Tardis & his companion wife Donnariversose has moved their TARDIS home from Willow Creek to Windenburg to Newcrest to Britechester then finally settling in Strangerville. They’ve been moving off & on for over 7 years. They now have two chickens named Matt Smith & River Song.
    Also they are planning to have a baby soon.
  • From my own Denny family, Laitha and Brandi stayed in the same house for 34 sim years until both of their deaths.