Forum Discussion
7 years ago
part time jobs are IMO are a desperately needed addition. it gives greater player freedom in how our sims earn money and live.
id like it to go a step further and have the option for sims to be on a rotating roster. not everyone in a part time or full time job has a consistent work roster with the same shifts week in and week out. part time sims could also be called in for extra shifts when other sims are sick or on their vacation days
i think for all jobs an 'annual leave' should be required to be booked in; our sims could book annual leave upto the amount of vacations days they have instead of calling in every morning
id like it to go a step further and have the option for sims to be on a rotating roster. not everyone in a part time or full time job has a consistent work roster with the same shifts week in and week out. part time sims could also be called in for extra shifts when other sims are sick or on their vacation days
i think for all jobs an 'annual leave' should be required to be booked in; our sims could book annual leave upto the amount of vacations days they have instead of calling in every morning
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