Forum Discussion

PockyRulez's avatar
New Spectator
4 years ago

Make Randomly Generated Sims More Interesting

I wasn’t so sure if this was feedback or a new idea. I think that there needs to be more done with the townie generator. Rather than just giving them all basic skills and traits, I’d like to see them spawn with more features from the packs that we’ve purchased.

What exactly does this mean?

Example: you’ve bought Parenthood, but now the only Sims that will ever have those Character Values will be ones that you’ve raised.

I’d rather have it so that non-played Sims roll some dice upon aging up to Young Adult that determine if they get some Character Values.

Why? Simply to make it more interesting. You’re searching for your Sim’s next soulmate, and you think you’ve found the perfect one, and then you really get to know them and find out they’re argumentative, and have bad manners.

The same can be said for Lifestyles, and even College degrees.

Example: you add your Sim’s best friend to your household and you find out that they have a bunch of lifestyles that conflict with your Sim’s lifestyles, and they can either try to fix those or let their at-home life crumble apart.

Another example: your Sim marries their soulmate, and you see that they have a distinguished degree in art, but they’re working a boring Business career. Now you can decide if they wanna drop everything and follow their passion.

It’d make for more interesting and dynamic gameplay if the Sims around the neighborhood actually acted and played just like our controlled Sims did.

Obviously this feature wouldn’t be for everybody, especially those who like 100% control, but that’s why it needs to be a toggle, just like other pack features.
  • The game needs a robust attractions system. Good manners, check, bad manners, check. All of that could fit into a really good attraction system. People may be attracted to others by appearance (I assume this is why players pick a particular Sim) but the player finds out they are insane (most townies are). I would like to see all this handled in an attraction system. Not only what is physically attractive (and yes, it is important) but also personality and not whether they have a cooking trait. But their deep down personality. Maybe someone likes a sarcastic person, maybe someone doesn't. Maybe snobs are attracted to each other. It really needs a deep overhaul.