Forum Discussion
10 Replies
- EgonVM5 hours agoSeasoned Ace
Hoping for the fix for deformation. Perhaps they find something to deal with the For Rent's save corruption...
Other than that, only fixes I guess.
- Le_Slacker5 hours agoSeasoned Ace
More surprises, like the new tattoos categories that screw up all the tattoos i already had in the game. I just noticed that today, i have some sims w tattoos, occasionally i edit them, but now i will have to remove them all! Because its all screwed up, i have butt tattoos in the lower arm category etc etc etc... its going to take me months to sort this out.... 😬
But i am happy for the bubble tea npc fix so hopefully more good surprises than bad one! 🤞
- thefirsttemplar6 hours agoSeasoned Ace
There are so many bugs to still fix, and no doubt the new expansion will add a lot more too.
My personal top 5 of fixes I would want to see at this point:
-Sims no longer obsessively wanting to do specific things like shovel snow, troll the forums or anything with the computer.
-Dislikes working and causing sims to never choose to do those things unless you tell them to.
-Locked doors working properly. It worked for a while but right now it seems to work sometimes. Like a sim goes into someone's room and does something and when I tell them to get out THEN they suddenly remember they are not allowed to go through that door.
-Sims running to the bathroom instead of doing that stupid slow walk animation. I know it's not a bug, but it pisses me off. (pun intended.)
-Sims with glasses keeping them on when going to work. They need those!
- gnelso123912 hours agoNew Hotshot
really need to include a fix for the broken retail lots, the constant fighting even when there are no active NAPs in Del Sol. The stuff this franchise gets away with from its fanbase is appalling. 🙃
- mellowgamerchick12 hours agoSeasoned Veteran
I'm only expecting bug fixes like the bloated children's stomachs, rain indoors, the unit outlines being removed from base game since it was added by mistake, bug fixes for those who were having issues with For Rent residential rental lots, etc.
- Miataplay17 hours agoLegend
You could be right unless we have another event in this month.
- grnblz2 days agoRising Vanguard
I sure hope they fix the rain and snow inside my house. Sometimes my sim notices it and other times she does not. It is so aggravating for it to be raining inside my house. Please fix that one.
- atreya332 days agoLegend
I expect the Tuesday patch to be more of a hot fix for issues created with the businesses and hobbies patch last Tuesday. We usually have several months between the 'big' patches and burglars aren't even a week old. So I don't expect anything big in March when it comes to patches. Perhaps March could give us a few nice items but that's all I expect.
- SnaveXs2 days agoSeasoned Ace
I doubt anything will be given away in March except for the patches to fix bugs.
I'm pretty sure that the update last week with burglars was the update for Businesses and Hobbies because in early access videos, they had that update before it released and they would only have it if it was for the new pack but I could be wrong.
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