Forum Discussion

oddRebelisaac13's avatar
5 years ago

Mermaids deserve a pack

Hello! This post is more for occult players. I Wanted to know if anyone would be interested in having a mermaid “add on” pack based on more tails , hairstyles , tops , furniture & possibly more powers/skill tree to them & even a secret world or finally give us a underwater pack. I just feel like mermaids are lacking compare to the other occult’s & mermaids are my absolute favorite . I believe they should have never introduced them in the island living & gave them their own pack like most of the other occult’s.

105 Replies

  • IObelle's avatar
    New Spectator
    5 years ago
    I'd like improvements to come in a free patch for Island Living.
    Children, and maybe even toddlers, should get fins when in water.
    I mean, children can swim just as much as teens-elders, so it's just dumb that they don't have fins!
  • Honestly and even though I have a more realistic style of gameplay I did play with mermaids, and I think they’re lacking. Basically all they can do is swim (not underwater), call other mermaids and dolphins, talk to fish and drown sims.

    I would have liked underwater lots and swimming underwater. Now an entire GP would be a bit too much I guess.
  • SEREFRAS's avatar
    Seasoned Veteran
    5 years ago
    It's time for an Underwater Atlantis World for Merfolks to live in.
  • Instead of giving us a mermaid pack, I wish they would give us a fully fleshed out vacation pack with underwater lots that our mermaids and other Sims could dive in, like Island paradise had. I know we have Island living already, but I don't consider that a vacation pack. As for updates to mermaids themselves, any updates should be added into a patch for the Island living expansion pack, not something that we have to pay extra for. Honestly underwater lots should be added in that way as well, but I hold no hopes they would ever do that.
  • Like... if they enhance them through another pack amongst other features, the way TS3 did with vampires, I'm down; otherwise nope.
    Mermaids have never been the more 'fleshed-out' supernatural. They probably 'scale' at 3 in that regards.