"Zeldaboy180;d-961251" wrote:
Mermaids need to purchase diving gear in order to dive for treasure or seashells, or even hunt for fish. That seems....weird? Why does my mermaid need to buy gear to dive down for treasure? I'd love for this to be corrected.
Also, why can't mermaids snorkel? I haven't played a normal sim yet so I'm not sure exactly what snorkeling does, but doesn't it let you go deep underwater and catch collectibles? Doesn't this put the mermaid at an advantage? If someone could offer insight to this I'd be happy.
Why can't mermaids eat while in the water? In sims 3 you could satisfy pretty much every need in the water except sleep. You could even eat kelp/fish raw while underwater or above it on the surface. In the sims 4 you can satisfy every need except hunger, you mermaid has to go on land to eat. A mermaid should never have to leave the water if you choose, that is their home, their natural habitat. Obviously living in the water 24/7 would get boring fast, but the point is a mermaid should be able to stay in the water for as long as you like.
Kelp should have been a new harvestable, or at the very least the ability to eat raw fish. Even eating coconuts/pineapples or basic fruit on the water would have been great. Another simple solution would be to add the "hunt for food" option while clicking on a buoy.
Agree in every way! I was a lil plumed when I found out there wasn't even 1 under water lot & got progressively more so when I found out that they couldn't live in the water if they wanted. It's their home so it makes sense! The eating in the water is particularly sour for me. They should be able to eat kelp & other sea veges (corals, clams and fish raw).
I hope the Dev team sees this and adds it. Glad it's nothing major and just small things that would make this pack a 10/10.