"Writin_Reg;c-17125037" wrote:
Mermaids are friends of fish - they don't eat them and do not like people who do. They do eat kelp. Snorkeling just makes it easier for humans to look under the salty water of the ocean and breather below the water line. It does not help anyone breath deep under water - but mermaid should never need snorkels as they see in salt water and breath through gils. Sort of like frog who have both lungs and gills. Snorkels is a human thing. Our eyes do not do well in salt water - and we definitely can't breath water of any kind.
Exactly. Why would a mermaid need to snorkel? And, yes, my mermaid's non-merperson boyfriend accidently cooked the fish 'grand meal' for a fest. The mermaid could hardly keep it down. A thought bubble with vegetables pictured was above her head.