Forum Discussion

SimsLovinLycan's avatar
3 years ago

My Wants and Fears Verdict: Kind of Weaksauce

I've been playing a new save (on normal aging to avoid that bug), and I've gotten to experience the new Wants and Fears system. Now, while I appreciate the work the devs put into's not that good. Aside from the "I wanna date my sister" glitch, the actual functionality of this system adds nothing of substance to the game. Unlike TS2 and TS3's versions, saving a Want for too long or not fulfilling at least one want within a day or two leads to awkward moodlets...Yeah, just awkward moodlets. Some are sad, or tense, or angry...but they ultimately mean nothing because negative emotions mean nothing in TS4. One of the most satisfying things in TS2 was locking a Want to be a medium-to-long-term goal and finally seeing that little UI gadget spin when you got it done. In TS4, there is no visual flare to the completion of a Want, and saving them for the long-term or medium-term can lead to useless moodlets buried in a sim's already over-crowded moodlet panel doing nothing to really affect gameplay at all.

As for the Fears, they pop up in the sim's Simology pannel and do...yep, basically nothing. There's a little jagged thought bubble that tells you how to cure it, and...yeah, that's it. It ends up just being a source of ineffectual negative moodlets until you cure it. So far, I haven't seen a single solid fear I could make come true and totally bomb a sim's whole mojo like you can in TS2. There is no break-down. There is no breaking point. Just...negative moodlets that get buried under all of the extraneous positive ones you can effortlessly rack up in this game. Fears? More like minor inconveniences. This is exactly what I was afraid this system would be when they announced it, just another useless moodlet generator with no depth. Another finger curls on the monkey's paw.

The only good thing I can say about this system is...They tried. They tried to give us Wants and Fears within the framework of a game that can't tolerate the kind of Wants and Fears systems previous games had. They tried...and failed.
  • kukkahilla's avatar
    Rising Adventurer
    I don't miss the TS2 wants and fears system at all. Sure it worked in that game, but I don't think it would work in TS4 and I don't want to have it in TS4. This is a different game.

    I still haven't played the new wants and fears system, but I have heard good and bad things about it. I believe it needs fixing and tuning, adding wants to the older pack traits and also just generally adding more wants to have some variety, but if they work on it it might be good?

    And they better work on it. I'm not going to forgive them for taking Whims out of the game if they aren't going to work on this new system and make it better.
  • I am always open to try the updates and changes to
    The game, but this fears and wants is exhausting and makes the game very stressful to play. I don't want to turn them off because it is rewarding when you fulfill the wants and conquers the fears. However, does the sim ever really get over there fear? My sim had a fear of the dark, so I had her go outside at night while feeling Confident, she overcame her fear (I got a notification and everything). The next day, the fear is back. This adds no value to the game. The fear of not fulfilling dreams is way too sensitive. It takes awhile to complete aspiration milestones and dreams, so I can understand if the sim spends no time working toward their dreams then it would be reasonable to get the Angry moodlet because your sim fears they won't fulfill their dreams in time before death. But when you build skills or complete tasks that are a part of fulfilling your sim's ultimate dream, and your sim still gets the angry moodlet ALL THE TIME, it is very frustrating. When your Sim is angry, it then makes everything else in their lives hard to manage, like their health and they don't build skills or create excellent quality items when their mood is not positive. I have a family of 7, and every single sim in the household (except the toddlers) walk around angry that they haven't fulfilled their dreams, even though I make progress toward those dreams each day aside from their jobs, needs, and other things.
  • I want to be able to cancel want I can't fullfill for example. Also, wants are repititive and don't include EPs, GPs and stuff packs that we aleady have. At least there was a whim to buy bee box - even this wasn't so annoying like wants. I want a whim system back, at least allow us to choose :(
    Fears are even worse... :(
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    Wants and fears at this point is pretty weak there's just is not enough of them for it to add any real value. I can't tell you how many times my Sims want was to listen to a certain radio station also it must be listened to on a radio as they did not even bother to link it to the earphones, I think listen to the radio is the new bee box because they did not create enough of them once again.
  • All of my Sims suddenly got a fear relating to their jobs. Most were in the upper echelons of their job associated with their aspirations and suddenly started whining about someone controlling their lives (as if the player isn't god in the Sims...) Every sim in the household wanted to change out of their dead end careers... Level 8, 9, 10... Unlike in the Sims 3, the wants could not be selected, locked or dismissed. I'm sorry but I don't play the Sims to listen to a computer sprite complaining about 1st world problems. They had accumulated millions through hard work and were acting like spoiled small children. I turned the feature off, and that's that.
    I don't think free updates should change gameplay. If users want to change the way the game is played, I think that should be exclusive to paid content. The cost is worth it if people feel strongly enough to beg for it. Either that or make the Sims 5 with all of these ideas and see how that works out.
  • "Diassa;c-18164089" wrote:
    I want to be able to cancel want I can't fullfill for example. Also, wants are repititive and don't include EPs, GPs and stuff packs that we aleady have. At least there was a whim to buy bee box - even this wasn't so annoying like wants. I want a whim system back, at least allow us to choose :(
    Fears are even worse... :(

    Assuming you haven't already, turn off the wants and fears from the gameplay menu. That at least makes gameplay tolerable.