"Mindofy;c-17532605" wrote:
Last night Bess (eco lifestyle) called excited about some new business venture and asked my sim for a $1000 to help her, then we'd both make a lot later. I gave the $1000. The next night she called and said she had a new opportunity and needed $1000. One of the options was something like ask her about not paying me back from last time. I chose that one. She proceeded to stutter and was like, well, um, I thought I paid you back. Then gave me $2000 for payment and troubles caused. ??
Bess did this several nights with my sim. I ended up giving her 5000, then next time she called, I picked the "Call her out for not paying you back" thing, and she didn't pay ANY of it back to me. She was like "oh I can't remember but didn't I pay you back already...." or something. Last time I trust that woman.