Forum Discussion

NoNameGirl20's avatar
6 years ago

New Sims in the gallery and why this whole story thing is half baked.


recently Maxis added Sims into the gallery. Some are familiar like Ollie Purdue, we have new faces like Emiko Mori and defintly the Sims from the cover like Dela Ostrow. The cool thing is, every Sim has a little Bio or backstory written to them now, which i love because, i do like maxis Sims and adding them into the world, to not have always the same pretty instagram Sims with no backstory, that you would mostly find, when searching the gallery. I even like that the new Sims from the cover have Jobs and skills, this is defintly a step in the right direction.

Though... Why do all this other Sims have no skills and no Jobs. We all now that Ollie is artistic? It's half baked

And when it comes to relationships, this is such a big flaw. Soo... Dela and Mia are together, but you have to manually set the relationship... oh but there is no girlfriend option like written in their bio? half baked
At least you can have the sibling option for Ollie and Cassidy.

But still. Its been written everywhere a dozen times. Doesnt matter which community. Game Changers mentioned it, its been mentioned here, on twitter, facebook, reddit etc. etc.
Now with the story thing going on. We need more CAS relationship options asap.

And its a little thing, but why can Maxis not make sure, that stuff that is written in the bio are in the game. That goes espacially for the relationship options. I mean is it so hard, to set Ollie and Cassidy as siblings, before adding them to the gallery?
And then this talk about beeing a dance teacher and stuff. Teasing at its finest. You have to get a mod for that, its not even in the game. Theyre fantasising went overboard sometimes. (Or maybe its a hint, but who knows?)

And i hope we get for every Sim a personal Bio Option and not just Household. It's also needed, when you advertise story.

Would be cool if they could add, this Sims from the december patch into theyre Gallery.

Happy Simming