6 years ago
Next GP ideas
Guys, I was thinking that maybe next year they'll maintain the same pattern of release they did this year, which would lead to 2 gps, 2 eps and 1sp. We already have an idea of what the SP is going to ...
"Gordy;c-17333145" wrote:
Dragon GPSpoiler
- Dragons are small pets and don't take up a house slot.
- New NPC: Vicki Vampiress, an egg vendor and expert in all things scaly.
- Obtain dragon eggs, which you can cuddle, keep warm and dote on until they hatch.
- Neglecting the eggs can keep them from hatching.
- There are different eggs, which will decide your dragon's color. Their colors can be changed with special treats.
- Some dragons have different behaviors based on color (purple dragons are well-behaved, red dragons are more inclined to start fires.)
- Types of dragons: Gold (More likely to eat plants and bring you gems), Purple (well-behaved, won't start any fires unless commanded), Red (more likely to start fires, will attack any sims its owner has a bad relationship with), Black (more likely to start fires, are harder to befriend and drop more scales/tears), Blue (harder to befriend, less likely to start fires, drop way too many tears), Brown (tend to poop more often), White (easiest to befriend & won't set fires, but won't drop any items and can't be trained), Pink (Easy to befriend and love cuddles, but don't do well with training.)
- But you can train any dragon not to burn things, eat your plants or attack your gnomes and guests.
- Train your dragon yourself, or pay for Vicki Vampiress' obedience course.
- Feed dragons, take them for walks, and let them test their mettle against other dragons in the neighborhood.
- Dragons love to be cuddled with, and they love attention.
- Give them wind-up gnome toys for them to play with. If you have C&D, other pet toys can entertain them.
- They can be trained to set fires, set other sims on fire, garden and eat homework.
- Neglecting them can lead to them starting fires. Luckily, they only do this when they want attention, so they'll never start a fire when you're not home.
- Some dragons bring you rare gems and minerals.
- Their scales, tears and diamond-encrusted droppings can be used for... something. They're probably just high-selling collectibles in most games, but become ingredients for spells if you have RoM.
- Dragons don't die, so they can stay with a family for generations. But you can sell them to Vicki Vampiress if you're sick of them.
- Dress your dragons up in adorable hats, scarves and costumes.
- Get two dragons and start breeding them. Their eggs sell for a decent amount.
- If you have a strong relationship with your dragon, it might try to attack the Grim Reaper to save your life.
Coming February 2020, The Sims 4: Master of Dragons.