Forum Discussion
30 Replies
- sailorleontine23 days agoSeasoned Ace
i'm Dutch too but i'm from The Netherlands and i really thought it was gonna be based on The Netherlands, not gonna lie but maybe who knows in the future?
Yep Ravenwood also has a ghost train.
- meeshwood23 days agoSeasoned Ace
Agreed! It's been a while since we got any new 40×30 lots
- NateWhiplash23 days agoSeasoned Veteran
It looks like there's a decent amount of lots, so I'm happy with that. It also looks like many of the lots are on water, and I like that a lot. Whenever I build a nightclub, or even a dream house, it's always on the water. Should be quite scenic
- BENH848423 days agoRising Scout
It looks like they won't have a 64x64 this time, but there will be three 50x40, so I'm feeling there's reasonable room for making bigger builds here. Still, a 50x50 or 64x64 would have been good.
- goddess8323 days agoNew Hotshot
Why don’t they give us 30x40 anymore. That is my favorite lot size.
- meeshwood23 days agoSeasoned Ace
Pixelade on YouTube posted a video with lot sizes. Looks like
2 20x15
5 20×20
2 30×20
3 50×40
- Goodywood25 days agoSeasoned Ace
Oh I never purchased L&D, so I didn't know. 😊Thanks for the info Simmerville .
- Plumbeeb25 days agoSeasoned Vanguard
I can definitely see the Nordic inspiration behind this world. The developers always do a great job of making these worlds very pretty and aesthetically pleasing. That said, as much as the set dressing looks nice, there's often very little to explore, and I think Nordhaven will be no different. This is something that I feel has been a reoccurring issue with many of the most recent worlds we've gotten. They look picturesque, but they're just kinda... boring to live in.
I think there should be a minimum of 15 lots per world, if it comes with an expansion. Preferably, two residential neighbourhoods and one community neighbourhood. It's what I like so much about Willow Creek and Oasis Springs and I wish more worlds would follow this pattern.
Overall, it's fine, but the size is the biggest disappointment for me.
I'm so happy to see a Scandinavian inspired world, we've seen a lot of requests for this theme over the years. I can't wait to get into the world and see what it has to offer. I love Scandinavian furniture and decor too so I'm looking forward to seeing all of the build content.
I hope it has some larger lots as a builder the smaller lots frustrate me, especially as there's the option to run different businesses together in the new pack. I'm assuming we'll have the space to be able to do that.
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