My partner and I work in hospitals, my parents are growing oldish and my sister is pregnant. Australia hasn't enforced isolation yet (just strongly encouraged it) but we (partner and I) have started only going to work, home or supermarket.
Here are how we're planning to tackle isolation:
Still setting up social meetings, just doing them via video call. example: cook same meal as my sister, friend or mum then sit down with tripods on each end and eat dinner together while chatting.
Set up a book club with my best friend, to read and then sit down one night to analyse a favourite book.
Build an old and comforting movie list with my partner, bake a yummy treat and watch something like Studio Ghibli films together.
Unfortunately, by the time proper isolation comes around partner and I will still be working and our families will be home, bored. but ah well, we can tire them out with stories about our days!