Forum Discussion

Magnezones's avatar
5 years ago

Not gonna lie, Discover University makes no sense

Veteran simmer here. Been playing The Sims since the early 2000s, and never have I seen anything in any of the games that's this finicky, and it makes no sense.

I've been playing with this pack a lot lately, and in DU, the only grades I ever seem to get are A+ and F. Nothing in between. I once got a C- I believe for one class on my first attempt, but every other grade I've ever gotten an A+ or an F, and what makes matters worse is I barely do anything different between these two.

I'll do all my studies, term papers, presentations, homeworks, go to classes and get an A+ for everything. I'll miss one class due to my character not choosing to go early for some reason, or forget to take notes once, whilst doing all these other things, and get an F in all classes. This is so far from realistic. Is this a glitch? Because it makes no sense, and should NOT be how the game functions. I've heard other people complain about similar problems, and the only feedback a lot of people on the forum seem to give is what I must be doing something wrong - I am, I missed a class, obviously. But missing ONE CLASS shouldn't lead to an immediate F.
  • "Dijktafone;c-17459430" wrote:
    I'm talking premade greekhouses, with the main goal being to joined a storied and prestigious one, as opposed to create one out of the blue :)

    "Greek houses" (which of course has nothing actual Greek about them at all ;) ) is a VERY alien concept to most countries though. That is such a SUPER American idea. I hadn't even noticed the lack of them.
    I also one that is really annoyed that because they cater to American culture you cannot cook in the dorms without cheats or mods. ALL Swedish dorms either have a big central kitchen OR each room as a small cooking station.