I'm right there with you. I've been trying to start up a save file to play through fully through all the content we currently have and I've made my Sim founder, but.. the house.. while I love how other creators make their houses, they're really beautiful.. I have to have spacious houses with room for Sims to do things, but not be super empty, but not cluttered, either.. and I can't play in houses that literally have no room to see the Sims in their space and take pictures.
But when I try to build a house because I can't find any houses that are what I'm looking for.. I end up getting super discouraged and saving the game and turning it off. Over the weekend, I attempted to build the house for my founder and I just got overwhelmed and disappointed because it just wasn't turning out how I wanted it to. I also tried taking a floor-plan and using that as a reference, but the 3 tile =foot thing confuses me and so.. it didn't turn out well, so I scrapped it and turned off the game. :(
Also.. interior decorating I enjoy doing, but I don't see how others use the games content and make such beautiful interior decorations. I have so much trouble finding the right lights, curtains and pictures to put up.. and just discourages me more.