"j_nelly;d-996482" wrote:
Anyone ever wanted to purchase more than one house for a family? Maybe they're super rich and have a house in every world or vacation house they own in the holiday destinations. I tend to play with one family for ages and get bored of their house and I download so many amazing houses from the gallery I just want to be able to play in all of them? Anyone else like the idea of owning more than one property? (I know you can own retail lots etc but this is outside of that).
I hear what you're saying and Sims3 ultimately allowed a family to own a secondary lot. I, too, tend to grow bored of a lot after a time. I ended up playing around with platforms to change things up when just changing out the wall treatment didn't do the trick. Unfortunately, I wrecked the house in doing so. I was never fully satisfied with what I did to the boys' bedroom. I ended up building them a new house, which was challenging, but well worth it in the end. I told the story of a fire and how restoration could only do so much. They had a new house built. (Global Superstar, Rock Star rolling in Simoleons) could well afford it. That did the trick for me. Perhaps, because I built it (from plans in a magazine) is why I loved it so much. I added a platform to the kitchen and one in what was supposed to be the garage which I made my Sim's music studio. I also made little tweaks to make it Sims' friendly. Currently, I'm missing it a lot. But it's huge and my Sims are currently living in HoB. I had already downsized the original house to fit the smaller lots. I'm now considering doing the same for the Flannigan, as the house was named by the Architect who designed it. I'll give it a good think, or I may even pour through said magazine for yet another floorplan I like. Who knows? But it would be nice if our Sims could own two residential properties.