"invisiblgirl;c-17047404" wrote:
"Daephene;c-17047151" wrote:
Thanks for the info! I just want my future evil vampire child to grow up badly. His father is Wolfgang Munch who has the mean trait so I figured it would be nice if he could discourage empathy and conflict resolution. I believe I tried to encourage making a mess once and the option wasn't there, but I was hoping someone else had tried more thoroughly and could advise on the options.
So it sounds like the main difference in discipline techniques is how the child thinks about the relationship with the parent. That sounds like a nice roleplaying touch. I'll have to do a little experimenting with the current children.
I've been trying for ages to get a kid to grow up with the negative emotional control trait, without success. Having them pitch temper tantrums barely moves the kid toward the 'red' side.
If you mouse over the character value in the panel it will give you options on how to get the positive or negative effect you want.