Forum Discussion

Quess_is_Baked's avatar
7 years ago

Pets is...

Spectacularly disappointing.

I mean I love the choices of breeds and all the customization for cats and dogs but the implementation is kind of crap. Cats aren't so bad but dogs are absolutely horrid to deal with.

Trained the dog to use the bathroom outside. Cool. I'm modifying the Hound's Head lot, the big 64x64 one, but I kept the "garden" in the middle. I also cut out the roof of that section so it now technically counts as being outdoors. Great thing for the dog because that's the only place it uses the bathroom... However, that annoyed me because I don't want the dog to use the bathroom basically in the middle of the house, even if it counts as being outside, so I look online and see people have been having success by locking doors and keeping pets out.


I lock all the doors leading outside but the pet door and send the dog outside to use the bathroom. Where does it go? The same d**n spot in the middle of the f*****g house, with the newly "locked" door.

I send the cat out to go prowl and it runs its happy a** right in there too.

Not only did they both ignore the locked door, but now they're stuck locked inside...

I'm calling b******t! How'd they get in if they can't get out? What kind of sense does that make?

I'm going to let them starve to death in there. Maybe ghost pets don't need to poop.

See what you did EA/Maxis? You're turning me into a pet killer.


34 Replies

  • The pets can be a bit boring. And unless you give the dog the clever/smart trait they usually behave really dumb.

    But I still like the pack and the vet career is a great addition! :)
  • I love cats in real life, but find them boring to play in this pack. I actually love the dogs. I am not happy with no dog houses and the dogs not being able to sleep on the beds. One of my favorite things in the other sims games was to have a double bed in my child or teen sims room and have the family dog sleep with them. That is how I grew up, with the dog sleeping either at the foot or under my bed.
  • Yeah, pets are kind of lame. I think the most boring thing about them is that they seem to be in their own worlds most of the time. Now, if I have an aloof dog or cat who isn't supposed to be super clingy, and they're acting like that, that's no problem. I expect that. But a lot of my dogs and cats have traits like friendly and affectionate and yet they still ignore their owners and the other pets most of the time. It's weird. Pets with those traits should initiate most (if not all) of the interactions with their masters and other pets in my opinion, but it rarely happens in my experience.
  • Yeah, I doubt we'll get a real fix for any of the other problems in this thread, disappointing, however I'm glad they fixed that 'can't go upstairs to eat/use litterbox' bit. I don't know if it's just my game or what, but my raccoon/cat follows the family foot to foot around the house. They don't even have to be that friendly with each other, but there he is. We get it, Kingsley, every pet needs a scratch behind the ears once in a while and a little treat to keep them happy, but my goodness let a Sim breathe!

    Being both a cat and dog person, it's a bit disheartening that I haven't being able to add dogs in a long time. Mainly due to the fact that I can't make any in cas, because apparently it's an old issue with the specs on medium to low end PCs, yet I can play the game and make cats just fine. Dogs are only adopted if I call or use the computer. Just.... how is this still going on? Is that not what Laptop Mode is for? I play without it on now and pretty much gave up. And the whole kittens/puppies can't go upstairs thing reminds me of toddlers that can't either because their Movement skill is too low. Wow. Anyway, when I had dogs, they seemed to love going either right beside the front door on the walkway, ample time for an unsuspecting Sim to walk into it, or in various places throughout the yard. I would've liked to see a simple training method or something to allow dogs to go in or at least around the same spot every time. As much as I do like certain aspects of this pack, and frankly, would be hard pressed to call it worst, the best thing to come out of it was the Lighthouse, which I collect and love in real life...

    They're simply another aesthetic, sorry to say. Animals are so unpredictable, even pets, that I was surprised to learn how stoic they acted in-game. All the toys provided go virtually unnoticed in favor of them wandering through the house constantly, sometimes I just tell them to go prowling or tear up furniture, lol. I feel the same way about them as I do Sims, half the time actions don't align with the traits - not that I'm expecting perfection, but a little erratic/spontaneous behavior goes a long way for me. Doghouses are kind of meh, I never really used them much because they were always comfy enough on my Sims' bed or next to them on the couch. It had a nice, homey vibe to it. Come home from work or whatever and chill out with the cat/dog. Come home from work now and chill with emptiness.