4 years agoLegend
Playful? I Think Not
You know I just discovered an icon I've yet to see before. It has the celebrity tile in the midst of it, with a pinkish edge. It's considered a playful interaction. Under the law it would be considered Malicious Mischief. Apparently, Aaron has a vindictive side to him. Erik could only have seven Sims accompany him to the placing of his Celebrity Tile. I wasn't paying as much attention as I should have and was completely surprised to see Kayleigh, whom he had just met right there in the group. Delighted, mind you, but surprised. Aaron was nowhere to be seen. My bad. I did try to have Erik invite him to Hang Out, but the interaction was unavailable to him. :open_mouth: Because, of course, he wanted his older brother to help share his moment. He's yet to let this fame go to his head, after all. Brothers I'll tell you! Now, Aaron is merrily dancing to a tune on their radio, while Erik is off playing another concert. I see this icon and hover over it. It's from DEFACING a celebrity tile. I haven't yet checked to see whose he defaced, but I'm sorely disappointed in Aaron. (Maybe this is what prompts him to pursue law in Uni, later?)
Please share the things your Sims have done that disappointed you.
Please share the things your Sims have done that disappointed you.