Forum Discussion

jamiesmile321's avatar
6 years ago

Realm of Magic- Sages not there?

Hi, I just got Realm of Magic recently (very excited!!) and I tried to learn magic for the first time. I took my sim to the magic realm, and went into the HQ. The thing is, only one of the sages was there. I checked the Manage Households button, and I know now that they are in the game, they just aren't at the HQ. I don't know how to find them and get them back, and a good portion of my time was spent just waiting in the HQ for them to come back, or for someone else to teach my sim one of those schools of magic, but nothing happened. I'm kind of annoyed because now my sim isn't able to learn those magics. Is there anything I can do to locate the sages and get them back?

1 Reply

  • Sometimes when you first start up a game save, or for the very first time, your sim goes to that location this will happen. Usually what will trigger the game is when you send your sim home, wait till the next in-game day and then send them back. They all should now be there.