Landing on lot.. 10:50 (later removed basketball court as waiters tended to use it)
Request seating 10:58 (ish) this is a little process with her working the computer... chatting then walking him to the table.
Marilyn is the hostess. Lucille Ball is the cook (with a clumsy trait). Anthony Perkins and Anthony Hopkins are the diners. I had to point that out I love this save...
Walking and being seated about 11:16 (there is routing problems here with only one tile behind the tables)
Meal served (by Tom Petty) 12:44
Food there 12:46 (footprints over waiters head indicates routing issue)
Waiter finally leaves 12:56
Meal ended. Pay option is there 1:54 (waiter stuck again after coming back to check on them)
Sims stand up to leave 2:04