"babajayne;c-17314541" wrote:
The term continues even if it’s not the active household. In my experience, they automatically re-enrolled and got a B and B-. It seems to have given them a random number of classes.
** ETA: Sorry, I was confused about this. That is how it works for other playable sims, but not the sims you’ve played yourself. For the sims you’ve played yourself, I’ve experienced 2 different things when rotating back to them. In one, I was immediately given a chance to re-enroll, and it appeared he got an average grade because his GPA went from an A+ to an A. In the other household (another dorm), I returned to find them On Probation, but I get an option to enroll again and the Merit Scholarships are still there, so that’s weird. **
So if you want your sims to graduate with honors, make sure you play them through their entire term each time. You will lose scholarships if you do not immediately re-enroll when the term ends, though I believe you can re-apply later, and you’ll be given 4 hours to pack up your things if you are living in Uni housing.
So glad I found this thread, as I was going to ask about rotational play. My thought was to have the four siblings split up; two in Britechester and the other two in Foxbury. But it sounds as if that doesn't work well. I've yet to try out Foxbury, being focused on my four Sims, all in the same dorm together, while I was experimenting with a great mod, that turns out to be a bit buggy. The long and the short of it, is the only girl and youngest of the four Sims got kidnapped. The boys were terrified and the mod got stuck in a loop that wouldn't allow for them to resolve their sister's situation. I ended up losing her, in the long run and decided to restart this family. My thought was to perhaps send all of them to Foxbury, or to split them two and two. Now, based on your assessment, and what some have said about the problems with it, I will enroll them in Britechester after all. But, they are still in the same Sim week of play. It will be a few gaming sessions before I'm ready to take them to uni. And yes, the three older boys, despite their bouts of tears and their never-ending state of terror, managed to all graduate with honors. I'm a very proud Player of Sims. :)