Forum Discussion

PinkBookGirl's avatar
7 years ago

Seasons: Talk Like A Pirate Day

Just had this pop up in my game and I found it to be a fun little holiday! Loved all the words scattered around (especially in the bathroom :smiley: )

What do you think of this holiday? What was your best or worst experience with it?
  • Love pirate day, and some of the phrases the devs came up with were pretty funny! You have to be careful though....... I clicked ' make a new pirate' not realizing right a way it's try for baby. I managed to cancel it just in time.
    I also love the belly laugh around Winter fest. When my sim did it all the guests groaned and some even did a face palm...but then they all started doing the belly laugh. Thought it was cute!
  • DoloresGrey's avatar
    Seasoned Newcomer
    It is my favorite holiday! It is so much fun! I love it! My favorite interaction is make a new pirate, of course :-P
  • "invisiblgirl;c-16723726" wrote:
    And they even speak Simlish like pirates!

    they do??? I didn’t have sound on the day I was playing it. Will definitely need to do that next time.