Forum Discussion

fullspiral's avatar
6 years ago

Selvadorada Weather

Is there a good season to go when it's not raining so much? It's the fall in my game and so far it has rained the whole time they have been there (3 days). They're making the best of it, but it makes it difficult to go out and adventure.

PS, don't get me wrong...I love the rain! Just not every day lol

12 Replies

  • I’m not allowed to post links because I’m new to forums, but look up “Weather in Selvadorada Sims 4” and look and Carl’s Sims 4 Guide. It will be the last world on the list. They list the weather in season order.
    I went to Selvadorada when they were having a heat wave. My Sim is actually fine, even though there’s no thermostat.
  • One of the first (and only) rewards I get with aspiration points is the weatherproof one (or similar name), it’s only 500 points and stops your sims caring if it’s raining or not - I get it mainly because umbrellas really annoy me but always found it particularly Helpful with my Selvadorian expeditions!
    As a rl family we do a lot of camping and don’t care about the rain so much so I figure my exploring sims should be the same ?