"DegrassiGen;13446821" wrote:
Hey Kids: I'm Not Your Father (children's book) in the story line it's a children's self help book on dealing with serious issues including Hey Kids: Santa Clause Is A Fraud! HAHA....
Haha I thought "Hey Kids: I'm Not Your Father" was going to be a book set in the Star Wars alternate universe. :D
"Billycraignotley;13446967" wrote:
I made a romance book called 50 shades of plumbob and a sci-fi book called plumbobs, the being above
Haha good ones!
"Haiden;13447128" wrote:
I had my sim write. Usually I just bash the keyboard and te title is something like: usjejsksl or usjssuus. Once the word pong came up lol. But in all seriousness I did title one called "Where have all the toddlers gone?" It became a best seller lol. Believe it or not!
Ha! This literally made me laugh out loud. I thought it would be a mystery book. :# You and @DegrassiGen just gave me some ideas. I think my Sim's next bestsellers will be "The Mystery of the Missing CASt", "The Basements Strike Back" and "The Scandal of the Grim Llama and Tweetgate".