Forum Discussion

JamesDeanSQ's avatar
New Novice
5 years ago

Should The Sims Stop Collaborating?

While I know virtually nothing about makeup, I have seen some controversy with the new Sims 4 X Mac collaboration. Apparently the makeup they released is an old product with a Sims 4 box. It got me wondering, do you feel The Sims 4 should stop spending money with other companies for these frivolous collaborations?

I'm purposely leaving out a neutral stance because people tend to lean slightly more to one side and answering Yes or No will provide clear data. Also with the franchises collaboration track record, l don't expect any future collaborations would be anything better than what we've seen in the past.

78 Replies

  • When I'm playing Sims, I'm doing it to escape the real world--so it frustrates me sometimes to see real world things seeping into my game. I was especially annoyed by the Star Wars pack and refused to buy it (my poor completionist heart). I would much rather EA explored parody options of real-world fandoms than trying to combine the universes. For example, Henry Puffer (Sims' Harry Potter knockoff). One genius modder gave us the gift of the Pufferhead Stuff Pack, creating an entire fictional pocket universe in the Sims' reality that had enough echoes of Harry Potter to satisfy fans such as myself while still maintaining the integrity of the Sims' world. (If you haven't downloaded this pack, you fools, and give your Sims' kids a chance to blossom as the wizard nerds they are!) Why, oh why, was a pack such as this beyond EA's capabilities? I'd love to see a Sims twist on Star Wars/Star Trek, Lord of the Rings, etc. EA can't be this lacking in creativity that their only option is real-world collabs to make Sims more interesting, right?
  • I don't know if they should stop or not. I do know those are my least favourite packs.
  • ChadSims2's avatar
    Seasoned Novice
    5 years ago
    Seeing the brands they have been collaborating I'd rather they not Star Wars and Moschino just horrible I did like H&M though it had normal clothing you would actually see people wear and Sims 4 is in desperate need of that.
  • For me EA seem to try and do a collaboration with niche groups rather than mainstream ones that are more popular and normally make a complete pigs ear of it
    Or do silly ones like the Katy Perry pack

    Then you get ones like the Star Wars one simply because EA paid a fortune for the rights and need to claw back money any way they can
  • "ChadSims2;c-17776288" wrote:
    Seeing the brands they have been collaborating I'd rather they not Star Wars and Moschino just horrible I did like H&M though it had normal clothing you would actually see people wear and Sims 4 is in desperate need of that.

    Yeah I think so too. Sims franchise has never been a snob entitled game. It has always been a franchise for the underdog. Sims 4 marketing has really been bad in that it feels like they are randomly trying to reach out towards rich households where parents hand their children money on a silver platter. If anything the past year has proven is that is a poor choice of marketing and will end up hurting the franchise more than helping it. Then again they are selling a $790 game to Simmers too making the Sims 4 one of the most expensive games on the market now which also doesn't help things as well when Simmers don't have the financial means to support the packs as it is.
  • "Scobre;c-17776930" wrote:
    $790 game to Simmers too making the Sims 4 one of the most expensive games on the market

    Well, if thinking how many sales there are, only if you buy all at release, you hardly have to pay that much. I sure did not.

    And about collabs, I did and DO overuse IKEA at TS2.

  • "Ellupelluellu;c-17776937" wrote:
    "Scobre;c-17776930" wrote:
    $790 game to Simmers too making the Sims 4 one of the most expensive games on the market

    Well, if thinking how many sales there are, only if you buy all at release, you hardly have to pay that much. I sure did not.

    And about collabs, I did and DO overuse IKEA at TS2.

    Yeah that is full retail price. Getting sales it reduces to about half which I still think was too much. H&M and IKEA collabs I didn't mind. Discover University has a lot of IKEA style with the pack. Sims has had a bunch a collabs with celebrities over the years just with music, so hard to do away with it completely.