Forum Discussion
3 years agoSeasoned Ace
Simming Tips #17: Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
"Contentment", the first part of which is "content". Not the state of wholehearted acceptance, but rather "things" and "stuff". Despite both words having the same spelling, having more content (conceptual or material) seldom makes one content (at least long-term), yet the chase is ongoing. The same is true, even in our imaginations, and - by extension - for the sims, themselves. A new home. New furniture. New skills. New career. New relationship. New baby. New car...oh wait, those don't exist.
At the same time as our sims transition to something "new", we contemplate, even for a moment, what to do with the "old" if not already taken care of. An old home is put back on the market. Old skills continue to provide replayability. The old career rewards linger on, whilst the job simply fades away. The ex dies of "mysterious causes". The old baby is sacrificed to puberty. The old car...oh wait.
But what about the old furniture? What about the things our sims have no room for, or those that don't fit in with "the new"? What about the useless junk? What about the things they hoard in order to please an insatiable vice, belied by a single button with a diamond on it? What. about. the. children? Well, at least in the latter's case, they'll come out the other side of puberty having been forged by emotional turmoil. The colours of the rainbow will be muted, the neon lights will dim, and their paths will be filled with resigned perseverance, rather than the illusions of an imagination that whispers of "magic" and "force of will". Broken down into their base forms, they will accept their new reality, and the bar of expectation will come crashing down with the weight of a skyscraper, their bodies following suit in the coming decades...
--but back to the other things.
The 3R's: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Turns out, there are a few ways to get rid of, make use of, or re-gift those soon-to-be-orphaned belongings, without having to resort to dragging them into the "sell" section of the inventory UI, or hitting "delete" in build/buy.
1 - Recycling and Composting (Eco Lifestyle)
Given the title of this entry, you had to know this was coming. Recycling and composting are things any sim can do, either through sorting out their trash (composting or recycling) on lots with the "Reduce and Recycle" trait, "rummaging for assemblage" with the 'Recycle Disciple' trait, or chucking anything from their inventory or the household inventory into the 'Guntdach Home Recycler' for a return of bits and pieces.
The recycler (when hovered over) will show the household's current count of bits and pieces, but the same information can be found by hovering over the household funds. These materials can be used to fabricate new items using the 'Store No More Home Fabricator', power up the 'Household Power Generator' (Pieces), or power up the 'Atmospheric Water Generator' (Bits). Either way you utilise the mangled remains of your once-trusted household fixture, it can continue to serve your household...until you need more bits and pieces.
2 - The SimRay (Get To Work)
Whether you're a member of the "N.R.Ay", or working as a scientist for the government (and thus, are under more NDA's than Valdislaus Straud's masseuse), the SimRay is a versatile tool for affecting the world around you. From giving hypothermia to ne'er-do-wells, to making a quick trip to the makeup department possible without having to join the acting career, the SimRay offers a variety of control options...including the ability to transform objects.
At level 3 of the scientist career, the SimRay can be upgraded to be able to change the form and function of an object within a vast pool of options. This makes it possible to truly "recycle" an object into a more useful one...though there is a chance of starting a fire (just makes it that much easier to get rid of as a pile of ash).
Despite the randomised nature of the transformation, the pool of potential outcomes can be limited by the space the preceding object takes up. If adhering to a slot on a shelf, the object will only become another object that can fit on said shelf. If currently inhabiting three spaces vertically or horizontally (with items blocking the surrounding area), the item may become a single bed or a lounge chair (for example). If unhindered by space, then it's a simple roll of an incalculably-sided least until the object becomes something that cannot be transformed (harvestables, for instance).
3 - Donating (Get Famous/Seasons/Knifty Knitting)
Donations come in many forms, and multiple packs: In the basegame, one can donate money to feel good about oneself (despite the encroaching bills). In Get Famous, one can donate money to charity through phone-calls from representatives, which grants fame. In Knifty Knitting, sims have the option to donate their crafts to charity...again, to feel good about themselves (and for that sweet message texted back the next day). In either of the three cases, one donates one's hard work for the "feel goods". There are, however, two more variants of donation, both of which take items, rather than coin or crafts:
4 - Gifting (Seasons/Eco Lifestyle)
Winterfest, Spooky Day, Love Day- Whether you love or hate the holidays introduced with the addition of atmospheric changes in the game, you have the option to craft your own, or configure the premade ones with a slew of traditions that range from simple conversations, to taking the name of DC Comics' famous speedster in a different direction.
Alongside the big additions, however, came smaller ones. One of the most notable small additions is the ability to "Give Gift...", which plays into multiple traditions, and serves multiple purposes: Romantic gifts deepen intimate bonds, funny gifts bring hearty laughter, friendly and Winterfest gifts deepen platonic bonds, and flower arrangement gifts grant different effects (based on the arrangement itself). Whilst only possible for inventory-held items, gift-giving can turn an unwanted, unneeded, or underutilised item into a deeper connection with another (and with Parenthood, it even gives youngsters a boost to their Empathy).
With Eco Lifestyle came with a variant of gifting: "Give crafted gift...", which allows sims to gift crafted (candles, fabricated items, and juice) objects to other sims (much like the random event with maker sims gifting active sims a crafted item). Any sim gifted a crafted object may gift back a dye (though not always), sometimes resulting in one of the two rare variants. Note that empty fizz bottles and seltzer cans also count as viable "crafted gifts", despite the empty carton not.
5 - The Flea Market (City Living)
Ah San Myshuno...home to the humble Spice Market, the creative Arts Quarter, the beautiful Fashion District, and the bougie Uptown. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, and whatever you're searching for, San Myshuno either has everything you need, or is an excellent start to getting there. One of the boasts of this fair city is its bevy of festivals - from the cosplay haven of GeekCon, to the block-party nature of the Flea Market. The latter, in particular, being of interest to those full up on useless duplicate collectibles.
The other visitors to the Flea Market aren't just vendors, loiterers, and artists, but also potential collectors as well. Almost 85% of those walking around the festival grounds can be selected to "Trade Collectibles With...", and from there, one can choose to trade away a Basegame or CL-exclusive collectible from the available categories (Snow Globes, Fossils, Crystals, Frogs, Metals, Posters, and MySims Figures). The item received in exchange will be of the same collection, but will be random, meaning the possibility of rare, uncollected, or higher-valued items, regardless of the initial item's stats. This interaction is independent of friendship or romance, so though one can trade with even the most famous celebrities, it won't bring both parties closer.
6 - Crystal Crown (Get Famous)
The rat race got you down?
Biological and social upkeep keeping you from enjoying life and grasping success?
Unlucky, unfriendly, or unskilled (maybe all three)?
Then have I got just the thing for you! You need the 'Celestial Crystal Crown', by DARC Inc.
Introducing patent-pending, revolutionary technology that utilises the natural energies of crystals to enhance your command over your mind, which in turn enhances your command over your matter.
Simply slot in a specific crystal, and watch as your productivity increases, your needs are less "needy", and the universe chucks riches, friends, and an innate understanding of the technical processes that contribute to learning and memorization your way!
We've gone so far as to take the hassle out of searching for just the right crystal - dirtying your hands, stressing your mind, and wearing out your body - and opened up an online store where you can order just what you need with the click of a mouse!
Of course, all good things must come to an end, and when your crystal runs out of power and shatters, you might find that the world is once more a harsh come on back and buy more! Trade diminished crystals for full ones at the Flea Market in San Myshuno! Sell your weak ones so you can buy more full ones !
The world is your playground, and with the 3C's on-hand (or on-head) you're in control.
DARC Inc. is not responsible for any forced friendships, undeserved promotions, unearned skills, or the robbing of cultural iconography that may be buried in foreign soil. Any uncontrollable laughter heard from friends, lovers, and strangers is definitely not caused by the crown. Please remove any crystals once they've gone red, and do not ask why. Any perceived boosts in biological or mental condition is only in your head. Please see a therapist if this goes on for longer than the life of the crystal. Does not keep out aliens, the government, or phone calls from family members.
Trademarked by Definitely A Real Company, Incorporated.
7 - Bait (Basegame)
Fish can be lured using harvestables, frogs, and other fish, but did you know that crystals and minerals also work? If you didn't, well now you do.
Why you'd want to eat something that's now choked to death on a literal rock is beyond me, but I'm not your parent. You go out there and eat dirt (with a side of seafood) if you want to.
8 - Crystal Refinement (Jungle Adventure)
Jungle Adventure brought with it the prospect of adventure and innumerable riches. On top of unearthing historical wonders and delving into dangerous areas, one can also find gear to aid in the journey, simoleons to spend after surviving the trek, and blessings from the spirits of the Omiscan people. That's just the good stuff, however, as one also can find semi-lethal critters, lose one's gear past the brush, and come down with any number of mystical curses from the same spirits.
Beyond all that is a promise of power only whispered by long-dead monuments, uninhabitable shelter, and undead guardians...the relics of the three Omiscan spirits: Zazatototl - The Storyteller, Totecallama - the Trickster, and Balampalsoh - the Explorer. Coupled with bases of the three aspects of the Omiscan origin myth: Death, The Watcher, and Chaos, these three relics embody a different effect on targeted sims, both boons and banes in equal measure. Alone, however, their mystical powers are inert, but when a refined crystal is slotted in, the relics spring to life, ready to help or harm at their owners' whim. Refining a gem is pretty simple- just click on the crystal and "Send to Jeweler for Refinement" ($25), then await its return in the mail the following day. At level 7 of Archaeology, crystals can instead be refined by sims themselves using the Pop Up Archaeology Work Bench.
The criteria for the above entries were that items can be utilised in an alternative way than initially intended, or outright gotten rid of for benefit.
Whilst limited in scope, the Celestial Crystal Crown gets rid of crystals (and/or makes use of them in a gameplay-enhancing way). The Flea Market can (potentially) turn duplicates of collectibles into new ones to round out a collection (or be sold later on). Fishing includes a vast array of fish to eat or mount for decoration, as well as filling out a collection. Refinement gets rid of the parent crystal in favor of a child version used to power gameplay-enhancing relics.
Now go! Go out there and live your recycling dreams (right after you become a scientist, famous, find a way to go back to being a child/teen in scouts, and travel to Selvadorada). Good luck with that.
"Contentment", the first part of which is "content". Not the state of wholehearted acceptance, but rather "things" and "stuff". Despite both words having the same spelling, having more content (conceptual or material) seldom makes one content (at least long-term), yet the chase is ongoing. The same is true, even in our imaginations, and - by extension - for the sims, themselves. A new home. New furniture. New skills. New career. New relationship. New baby. New car...oh wait, those don't exist.
At the same time as our sims transition to something "new", we contemplate, even for a moment, what to do with the "old" if not already taken care of. An old home is put back on the market. Old skills continue to provide replayability. The old career rewards linger on, whilst the job simply fades away. The ex dies of "mysterious causes". The old baby is sacrificed to puberty. The old car...oh wait.
But what about the old furniture? What about the things our sims have no room for, or those that don't fit in with "the new"? What about the useless junk? What about the things they hoard in order to please an insatiable vice, belied by a single button with a diamond on it? What. about. the. children? Well, at least in the latter's case, they'll come out the other side of puberty having been forged by emotional turmoil. The colours of the rainbow will be muted, the neon lights will dim, and their paths will be filled with resigned perseverance, rather than the illusions of an imagination that whispers of "magic" and "force of will". Broken down into their base forms, they will accept their new reality, and the bar of expectation will come crashing down with the weight of a skyscraper, their bodies following suit in the coming decades...
Spoiler well as their minds. well as their minds.
--but back to the other things.
The 3R's: Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Turns out, there are a few ways to get rid of, make use of, or re-gift those soon-to-be-orphaned belongings, without having to resort to dragging them into the "sell" section of the inventory UI, or hitting "delete" in build/buy.
1 - Recycling and Composting (Eco Lifestyle)
- Guntdach Home Recycler - $845 (Activities and Skills > Outdoor Activities or Appliances > Misc.)
- Store No More Home Fabricator - $1,800 (Activities and Skills > Creative or Appliances > Misc.)
- Household Power Generator - $1,465 (Activities and Skills > Outdoor Activities or Appliances > Misc.)
- Atmospheric Water Generator - $1,870 (Activities and Skills > Outdoor Activities or Appliances > Misc.)
Given the title of this entry, you had to know this was coming. Recycling and composting are things any sim can do, either through sorting out their trash (composting or recycling) on lots with the "Reduce and Recycle" trait, "rummaging for assemblage" with the 'Recycle Disciple' trait, or chucking anything from their inventory or the household inventory into the 'Guntdach Home Recycler' for a return of bits and pieces.
The recycler (when hovered over) will show the household's current count of bits and pieces, but the same information can be found by hovering over the household funds. These materials can be used to fabricate new items using the 'Store No More Home Fabricator', power up the 'Household Power Generator' (Pieces), or power up the 'Atmospheric Water Generator' (Bits). Either way you utilise the mangled remains of your once-trusted household fixture, it can continue to serve your household...until you need more bits and pieces.
"I want a divorce", she said. Guess she didn't remember the last part of our vows. Now, does an urn give bits or pieces?
"I want a divorce", she said. Guess she didn't remember the last part of our vows. Now, does an urn give bits or pieces?
2 - The SimRay (Get To Work)
- Invented (1x common metal and 1x common crystal) using the 'Invention Constructor' (Get To Work - Electronics > Misc. - $3,000).
- Purchase Gifts..." option on the phone (Seasons - Household Tab - $300)
Whether you're a member of the "N.R.Ay", or working as a scientist for the government (and thus, are under more NDA's than Valdislaus Straud's masseuse), the SimRay is a versatile tool for affecting the world around you. From giving hypothermia to ne'er-do-wells, to making a quick trip to the makeup department possible without having to join the acting career, the SimRay offers a variety of control options...including the ability to transform objects.
You'd think the neighbors would complain, but I guess the threat of having one's molecular structure rearranged would keep anyone quiet.
You'd think the neighbors would complain, but I guess the threat of having one's molecular structure rearranged would keep anyone quiet.
At level 3 of the scientist career, the SimRay can be upgraded to be able to change the form and function of an object within a vast pool of options. This makes it possible to truly "recycle" an object into a more useful one...though there is a chance of starting a fire (just makes it that much easier to get rid of as a pile of ash).
The SimRay not only stops fires, but the consequences of one's actions as well!
The SimRay not only stops fires, but the consequences of one's actions as well!
Despite the randomised nature of the transformation, the pool of potential outcomes can be limited by the space the preceding object takes up. If adhering to a slot on a shelf, the object will only become another object that can fit on said shelf. If currently inhabiting three spaces vertically or horizontally (with items blocking the surrounding area), the item may become a single bed or a lounge chair (for example). If unhindered by space, then it's a simple roll of an incalculably-sided least until the object becomes something that cannot be transformed (harvestables, for instance).
3 - Donating (Get Famous/Seasons/Knifty Knitting)
Donations come in many forms, and multiple packs: In the basegame, one can donate money to feel good about oneself (despite the encroaching bills). In Get Famous, one can donate money to charity through phone-calls from representatives, which grants fame. In Knifty Knitting, sims have the option to donate their crafts to charity...again, to feel good about themselves (and for that sweet message texted back the next day). In either of the three cases, one donates one's hard work for the "feel goods". There are, however, two more variants of donation, both of which take items, rather than coin or crafts:
- In Get Famous, once a celebrity has a good reputation and the "B-Lister" title (level 3), the option opens up in the Fame panel for the 'Giving Back' perk, which (based on the value of an item), gives a fame increase per item donated to "a fan". There is very little rhyme or reason to what kinds of items are eligible for donation (found out by clicking prospective objects), but I suppose if one doesn't find donating one's used toilet to a rabid stalker with a forum account and/or too much time on their hands, then by all means. Time to turn those unwanted items into the love of the masses, bought and paid for.Spoiler
Ripe, reeking, and ready for donation. - With Seasons, any child or teen in the 'Scouts' "career" can use a computer or mailbox to donate items to charity, straight from their inventory. This counts towards their "Give Back" badge, and with Parenthood they...get nothing. What did you think, giving to charity would count as being empathetic? We all know it's for that sweet sweet badge, trophy, and bragging rights.Spoiler
I'd like to thank The Watcher, my parents, and the cashier at the simoleon store.
4 - Gifting (Seasons/Eco Lifestyle)
Winterfest, Spooky Day, Love Day- Whether you love or hate the holidays introduced with the addition of atmospheric changes in the game, you have the option to craft your own, or configure the premade ones with a slew of traditions that range from simple conversations, to taking the name of DC Comics' famous speedster in a different direction.
My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive. I am...the Flash.
My name is Barry Allen, and I'm the fastest man alive. I am...the Flash.
Alongside the big additions, however, came smaller ones. One of the most notable small additions is the ability to "Give Gift...", which plays into multiple traditions, and serves multiple purposes: Romantic gifts deepen intimate bonds, funny gifts bring hearty laughter, friendly and Winterfest gifts deepen platonic bonds, and flower arrangement gifts grant different effects (based on the arrangement itself). Whilst only possible for inventory-held items, gift-giving can turn an unwanted, unneeded, or underutilised item into a deeper connection with another (and with Parenthood, it even gives youngsters a boost to their Empathy).
Just noticed the bartender...yikes. Someone gave him "the gift that keeps on giving heart attacks".
Just noticed the bartender...yikes. Someone gave him "the gift that keeps on giving heart attacks".
With Eco Lifestyle came with a variant of gifting: "Give crafted gift...", which allows sims to gift crafted (candles, fabricated items, and juice) objects to other sims (much like the random event with maker sims gifting active sims a crafted item). Any sim gifted a crafted object may gift back a dye (though not always), sometimes resulting in one of the two rare variants. Note that empty fizz bottles and seltzer cans also count as viable "crafted gifts", despite the empty carton not.
I've dyed once. I might just dye again.
I've dyed once. I might just dye again.
5 - The Flea Market (City Living)
- Spice Market - Every 2 weeks - Sunday, 10am - 6pm
Ah San Myshuno...home to the humble Spice Market, the creative Arts Quarter, the beautiful Fashion District, and the bougie Uptown. Whoever you are, wherever you come from, and whatever you're searching for, San Myshuno either has everything you need, or is an excellent start to getting there. One of the boasts of this fair city is its bevy of festivals - from the cosplay haven of GeekCon, to the block-party nature of the Flea Market. The latter, in particular, being of interest to those full up on useless duplicate collectibles.
Hello suc- er...I mean stranger. Would you be willing to trade?
Hello suc- er...I mean stranger. Would you be willing to trade?
The other visitors to the Flea Market aren't just vendors, loiterers, and artists, but also potential collectors as well. Almost 85% of those walking around the festival grounds can be selected to "Trade Collectibles With...", and from there, one can choose to trade away a Basegame or CL-exclusive collectible from the available categories (Snow Globes, Fossils, Crystals, Frogs, Metals, Posters, and MySims Figures). The item received in exchange will be of the same collection, but will be random, meaning the possibility of rare, uncollected, or higher-valued items, regardless of the initial item's stats. This interaction is independent of friendship or romance, so though one can trade with even the most famous celebrities, it won't bring both parties closer.
Even though you're trusting me to give you something worth close to or more than what you gave me, I'm still going to need a proper introduction.
Even though you're trusting me to give you something worth close to or more than what you gave me, I'm still going to need a proper introduction.
6 - Crystal Crown (Get Famous)
- Celestial Crystal Crown - $100 (Activities and Skills > Recreation)
The rat race got you down?
Biological and social upkeep keeping you from enjoying life and grasping success?
Unlucky, unfriendly, or unskilled (maybe all three)?
Why am I all of a sudden in the mood for pancakes?
Why am I all of a sudden in the mood for pancakes?
Then have I got just the thing for you! You need the 'Celestial Crystal Crown', by DARC Inc.
Introducing patent-pending, revolutionary technology that utilises the natural energies of crystals to enhance your command over your mind, which in turn enhances your command over your matter.
Simply slot in a specific crystal, and watch as your productivity increases, your needs are less "needy", and the universe chucks riches, friends, and an innate understanding of the technical processes that contribute to learning and memorization your way!
It even cures nearsightedness!
It even cures nearsightedness!
We've gone so far as to take the hassle out of searching for just the right crystal - dirtying your hands, stressing your mind, and wearing out your body - and opened up an online store where you can order just what you need with the click of a mouse!
Really wish they'd upscale the font on this crystals have run out, and I threw away my glasses.
Really wish they'd upscale the font on this crystals have run out, and I threw away my glasses.
Of course, all good things must come to an end, and when your crystal runs out of power and shatters, you might find that the world is once more a harsh come on back and buy more! Trade diminished crystals for full ones at the Flea Market in San Myshuno! Sell your weak ones so you can buy more full ones !
Hey kid...wanna buy some crystals? This is that grade-a, "just dug up" good good, y'know what I'm sayin'?
Hey kid...wanna buy some crystals? This is that grade-a, "just dug up" good good, y'know what I'm sayin'?
The world is your playground, and with the 3C's on-hand (or on-head) you're in control.
DARC Inc. is not responsible for any forced friendships, undeserved promotions, unearned skills, or the robbing of cultural iconography that may be buried in foreign soil. Any uncontrollable laughter heard from friends, lovers, and strangers is definitely not caused by the crown. Please remove any crystals once they've gone red, and do not ask why. Any perceived boosts in biological or mental condition is only in your head. Please see a therapist if this goes on for longer than the life of the crystal. Does not keep out aliens, the government, or phone calls from family members.
Trademarked by Definitely A Real Company, Incorporated.
7 - Bait (Basegame)
Fish can be lured using harvestables, frogs, and other fish, but did you know that crystals and minerals also work? If you didn't, well now you do.
Why you'd want to eat something that's now choked to death on a literal rock is beyond me, but I'm not your parent. You go out there and eat dirt (with a side of seafood) if you want to.
8 - Crystal Refinement (Jungle Adventure)
- Pop Up Archaeology Work Bench - $390 (Activities and Skills > Knowledge)
Jungle Adventure brought with it the prospect of adventure and innumerable riches. On top of unearthing historical wonders and delving into dangerous areas, one can also find gear to aid in the journey, simoleons to spend after surviving the trek, and blessings from the spirits of the Omiscan people. That's just the good stuff, however, as one also can find semi-lethal critters, lose one's gear past the brush, and come down with any number of mystical curses from the same spirits.
It's a skin condition.
It's a skin condition.
Beyond all that is a promise of power only whispered by long-dead monuments, uninhabitable shelter, and undead guardians...the relics of the three Omiscan spirits: Zazatototl - The Storyteller, Totecallama - the Trickster, and Balampalsoh - the Explorer. Coupled with bases of the three aspects of the Omiscan origin myth: Death, The Watcher, and Chaos, these three relics embody a different effect on targeted sims, both boons and banes in equal measure. Alone, however, their mystical powers are inert, but when a refined crystal is slotted in, the relics spring to life, ready to help or harm at their owners' whim. Refining a gem is pretty simple- just click on the crystal and "Send to Jeweler for Refinement" ($25), then await its return in the mail the following day. At level 7 of Archaeology, crystals can instead be refined by sims themselves using the Pop Up Archaeology Work Bench.
Hmm. Something strange is definitely going on...there are no customers today.
Hmm. Something strange is definitely going on...there are no customers today.
The criteria for the above entries were that items can be utilised in an alternative way than initially intended, or outright gotten rid of for benefit.
- Potion-making (Realm of Magic) - With potion-making, there are only a few items of certain categories that can be utilised, and their necessity can be outright negated through the use of perks/spells/sages.
- Elemental/Mineral/Crystal extraction (Basegame/Get To Work) - Whilst the Geo Council does do away with the sent minerals/crystals in exchange for elements, this can be outright negated through the use of the Chemical Analyzer/Archaeology Work Bench, leaving the parent item intact. As well, extraction of elements, crystals, and minerals from others of their kind does not destroy the parent item.
Whilst limited in scope, the Celestial Crystal Crown gets rid of crystals (and/or makes use of them in a gameplay-enhancing way). The Flea Market can (potentially) turn duplicates of collectibles into new ones to round out a collection (or be sold later on). Fishing includes a vast array of fish to eat or mount for decoration, as well as filling out a collection. Refinement gets rid of the parent crystal in favor of a child version used to power gameplay-enhancing relics.
Now go! Go out there and live your recycling dreams (right after you become a scientist, famous, find a way to go back to being a child/teen in scouts, and travel to Selvadorada). Good luck with that.
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