Forum Discussion

adamclark83's avatar
6 years ago

Sims Canceling Their Own Actions

What I find strange in this game is that when a Sim goes to do something and it's automatically canceled before they get there. For example, my celebrity Sim Ashlyn was heading to the kitchen last night to kiss her spouse and before she got there the action canceled out.
  • This happens to me a lot, or my sims just stand there for an entire day and refuse to do actions. Happening more since the latest patch.
  • Gosh this has been an issue since the base game launched on pc. It does seem worse on console though
  • As a console player I agree. Its odd though some days I have next to no issues other times I either need to travel or exit to the main world to fix it.
  • Its annoying when you try to compel pedestrian to drink as a vampire and then it got canceled out after some time. But somehow it doesnt happen so often right now
  • "adamclark83;d-956286" wrote:
    What I find strange in this game is that when a Sim goes to do something and it's automatically canceled before they get there. For example, my celebrity Sim Ashlyn was heading to the kitchen last night to kiss her spouse and before she got there the action canceled out.

    It's either a jump bug or a routing issue.
  • i often get this, it's been happening since i bought the base game. so it's not because of one of the updates or packs. the coding must have an error somewhere. with all the added content, it's gonna be so hard to find. especially when i try to cook, it cancels halfway through if i have other tasks up and coming. i found if you find your sim cancelling interactions, remove all interactions planned after that one you're trying to complete. then retry with just that specific interaction queued. it goes right through until the end.
  • Mine reach the toilet, get confused, and cancel the action to go. It's been like that since sims4 released.
  • > @8Faith8 said:
    > This happens to me a lot, or my sims just stand there for an entire day and refuse to do actions. Happening more since the latest patch.

    I have also experienced the same problem and noticed that it is happening more frequently since the last patch. It is not a routing issue, it just seems so random.
  • i installed the new fitness pack and bowling stuff pack and now can no longer sleep within the game. i know it's been reported here already, sims cancelling their actions. but has anyone contacted any simguru's about it? whats being done? i can no longer play sims unless in build mode, because the sims exhaust themselves and cancel the sleep interaction whenever i try to perform. it's rendered actual game play unusable.
  • i previously stated something similar was happening, in a comment above. this is different. before the pack installs, my sims were sleeping fine. some actions would cancel from time to time, but i could always get them to go through before. now, it refuses to complete the interaction entirely.